
How would the ancient Greeks react if they knew about the massive commercialization of the Olympic Games ?

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How would the ancient Greeks react if they knew about the massive commercialization of the Olympic Games that happen today ? In ancient Greece the athletes competed for personal glory but also, and I think this was even more important to them, for the glory of their city-state .

Thanks for your answer .




  1. Right, people talk a lot of old c**p about Athens- yes, in the beginning it was a seat of democracy and civilisation blah blah, but towards the end they were a bunch of money grubbing gits- check out Thucydides history of the pelopenesian war - they'd hang you out to dry for a brass tripod.

  2. Delighted and proud....after all they have made quite a lot of valuable contributions to society as we know it.

  3. They would be happy to know:

    -that the Games are still held in right and large.


    -that they are no longer restricted to their city-state but bringing the whole world together.

    -that the human bodies are truly striving to stretch their limits and making new records every year.

    -That how much the times have changed.  What beautiful imagination is used to entertain the masses before getting down to settle scores.

    They would not be disheartened but very happy to see the tradition alive and thriving.

    P. S. The Games are still played for Personal Glory,  BTW.

  4. I don't think they would've had a problem with it, it's just two different periods. Current status quo wasn't applicable then, ideas weren't shaped through todays capitalistic prism. However if the same situation had existed there is no doubt they would've taken advantage.

    Like you mention for them it was glory that mattered. So a successful athlete even in those days would've been a hero and revered by his own people. That means he still would've had a unique position in the society and if today rewards are commercial. He would've acquired the benefits that come with this glory, that doesn't include wealth either.

    So higher position in the society, mingling with power, beautiful wife(as anyone would be happy to marry him)[1], property/land, celebrity status, Glory . . . etc etc

    [1] Hey I'm a guy!  :)

  5. The Greeks would have been slightly dissapointed due to the loss of focus on the very sport but on the positive side due to the commercialization of the Olympic games there are also more resources and incentives for the athletes. Therefore more athletes would also be able to participate in the sport and it can reach the eyes of so many more people.

    My thought is that it would be met with some dissapointment but also with a lot of enthusiasm.

  6. You think they were pure?

    Look at their wars and politics and suppression of the lower classes. Look at Socrates.

    They borrowed heavily from the Etruscans and Persians and Zarathrusta and gave no credit.

  7. What about Christmas? New Year's Eve? Easter? Halloween? and all the rest of holidays/events. Business is good; but all this commercialization is just too much.

    I agree with you; personal glory and for the glory of their city-state.

    But, "political correctness" does not allow for personal glory or glory for the city-state.  You are not supposed to be better than anyone else; you are supposed to allow anyone to play high school sports, etc.

    I think that the ancient Greeks would be "put off" by this ridiculousness of modern times.

  8. I think they would be horrified and ashamed, especially at the rampant drug use and foul play.

    Generalist: the Greeks were at least pure in their ideals - we don't even have ideals these days, unless you count the almighty dollar as one.

  9. Undoubtedly they would fear that they would anger the gods because they did not compete for personal glory but rather for the glory of the gods.

    The original Olympics were a religious observance.

    the other glories which might be received by the champions were the blessings of the gods, not of man.

    Be well and be wise.

  10. Don't give them any ideas, will ya?!?


  11. The games were fairly commercialized in ancient times.  

  12. They would be major pissed and sew the olympic committee.

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