In America there has always been white on black issue but, what if the Africans that were slaves rebelled and became the slave owners, 2. what if slavery never existed? and 3. Its a known fact that females did not come from men but the other way around. How you say? Every person has a cell in their bodies this is a female trait passed on to the children and also babies start off not as male but females thats why males have flat chests. I believe that through evolution men were created for defense, company and mateing. Over time they rose to power and here we are today. But, women have also been evolving and are slowly taking over the male duties as protection, the father figure and leadership roles. If sometime in the future women took of all leadership roles how would the world be. And to all those bigots out there if a women can carry, bare and raise a child who will become a leader then why can't she do the same? Think of your mothers:) thx again for your opinions in this discussion.