
How would the world be without time?

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How would the world be without time?




  1. Timeless.  Next.

  2. without time there wouldent be anything

  3. TIME and SPACE has got its relevance only with respect to any 'matter'. If there is no matter, there is no time and there is no space.

    So world without time is ill conceivable.

  4. We would always be late or early or right on time....but who would know.

  5. Theoretically we would freeze and the universe would assume position as you know it. If it were possible to live without time, it would be a never ending cycle of nothingness. Similar to floating around in space.

  6. If there was no time there would be no humans. Humans want to see a consistency because our minds are pattern-based. Even when no pattern exists, we will create one simply due to our nature.

    If you place a human in the 11th dimension, time will still exist.

    Time is a human construct.

    Motion and time are exclusive of each other.

  7. Time is pretty much everything once you think about it...

  8. It might hurt watchmakers...

    Seriously, time is more than just the movement of hands on a clock; it's a dimension. If there wasn't the fourth dimension we call "time," the universe as we know it could not exist.  

  9. It's a physics question and I'm a bit embarrassed to say that I'm not sure.  Light doesn't move through time, but is that the same as there being no time?  I don't really know.

  10. Don`t know,i never wear a watch , never look at a clock.

    I start work when i want and finish when i want,eat when i`m hungry.

    I only need to bother about time when i have to interact with others because they worry about the time and deadlines!

  11. There wouldn't be a world because it would have never been able to form and evolve. If you didn't have time thing would just stand still so there wouldn't really be a world at all.

  12. always "...a day late and a dollar short"...

  13. well this question wouldn't have been posted and I wouldn't have gotten these 2 points.

  14. Time gives meaning and identity to life. Without time, it's all dead!!

  15. A Chaos.

  16. We'd all be living like the Australian Aborigines used to before Australia was colonized and settled by Great Britian. They had no concept of time, not even a calender. Certainly be less stressful.

  17. Wonderful!!!!

  18. it is prove when you die there that is no time.

    All there is or people feel is internal peace!

    In other words time is something man invented,

    time really do not exist we just need it to have a structure in life.

    But think about do really feel the time,

    when you are with someone you loved?

    Do you really feel the time when you are close to someone who's dying?(no right all your senses are with the person)

    Time is just a  perception in this world,but at the end when we all die,

    and we wake up in other life is just going to fell like we barely wake up from a dream!

  19. without time nothing would move and stand still

    lets i wanted to go somewhere but it took time

    i wouldnt be able to go because it takes time to do things

    the reason ther is time because of energy dispersed in the big bang

    by the way there is a theory that in a long time the energy from the big bang will run out and everything will stop moving and time would not be possible-its called the "heat death of the universe" look it up on wikipedia

  20. It would be not a world. It would be call earth. lol

  21. We cannot start and end!

    No birth or death

    and No growth!

    All becomes fishy!

  22. in a sense it wouldn't.... be.

    without time, there can be no motion. without motion there can be no presence observing what not having time is like. but apart from that it would be like the universe on pause, from the tiniest particles to the largest galaxies. but not paused for an amount of time, because there would be no time. time needs motion, motion needs time.

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