
How would the world loke like without the law?

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How would the world loke like without the law?




  1. read "Lord of the Flies", the author uses symbolism to describe what the world would be like if there were no laws. there would basically be turmoil


    and Dr. Kwack, the theory of communism in perfect, the practice of communism is corrupt.

  2. Lawless.

    But that will very quickly change.

    I'm just wondering what capitalism has to do with it?

    Communism always looks perfect, of course, except for those who have to live under it.


    That was my point.

    And also, ignoring that if anything is perfect, it can not be corrupted I will also add:

    the theory of capitalism is perfect, the practice of capitalism is corrupt.

  3. it will still look like the world coz there are some places in the world where there is no law.places like terririst areas .....

  4. Dunno. How would it look without capitalism, which is based on greed and exploitation? Take away that when you get rid of the law and you might have a civilized world.

  5. God gave us 10 laws. Christ gave us the beatitudes. Mohammad gave a confusing and often contradicting book of laws. The United States have over 1,398,700+ laws. It would be nice to have a benevolent dictator to make the laws. But benevolence is not a human strong point. Anarchy has promise, socialism is good in some ways, Communism sucks. Some times I feel that we just need to end the whole experiment of laws and try the live and let live, have a chance, but I know people to well, and it won't work.

    A police state like the US now has scares the poo out of me. I like a country that you learn the do and don't and pay off public officials. It lots cheaper and less problems than what 2,500,000+ prisons in US prisons now experience.

    Where I live today a simple heart felt apology works wonders, even if your only sorry for getting caught. But even Paradise has it problems. Laws apparently don't work, time to try something new. Final Annalise's laws are not the answer, enforcement is not ether, some feel that if everyone was armed that everyone would behave them selves and that a delusion. Population control on a Stalinist level did work ether. No good answer to be had,

  6. Anarchy.

    Which will change quickly to rule of force.  A few strong people will set themselves up as king/boss/ruler, and enforce their will on the rest.  Then someone will try to knock the boss off, and cause either a crackdown or a revolution.

    I am happier under the rule of law.

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