
How would things be different if women ruled the world?

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Do you think it would be a better or worse place? Less violence and wars perhaps?




  1. How would things be different? Simple everything would be worse!Let me first start by saying that in and of itself women’s rule would be no better or worse then things are now. However for women to rule, men would have to be second class citizens at the very least, and that’s when thing get sticky. Men are not likely to take that sitting down, yes there would be peaceful protesters but I do think there will be many more violent protesters. With no way to stop the violence it will eventually escalate until it becomes something similar to a world war. I have no idea where that would lead but I do think it would be a place that’s worse off than we are now.

    Also I cannot help but respond to Deva’s statements about hierarchy. You are wrong in every possible way. If you put a group of humans together that has no knowledge of society a hierarchical structure would naturally form, despite what your feminist views might say, a hierarchical social structure is normal. In fact if you tried to substitute it for another, a hierarchy would evolve from within as a substructure.

    As sad as Deva’s comments were Patois’s comments included a quote from Nietzsche. All I have to say about this is that Nietzsche was a nutcase, and you started your argument by quoting him.  NUFF SAID!

  2. take a look at britain in the early to mid 80's, that should answer youre question

  3. We already have had a female prime minister and look how that turned out.

  4. Not sure. Part of me thinks it would be more peaceful, part of me thinks, nah, it would be the same.

    One thing for sure, women would not be discriminated against.

  5. I really don't think it would necessarily be a better or worse place. I certainly don't think there would be less violence. However, the history does show women to be incredible leaders. Look at British history for example - Elizabeth, Victoria... Great leaders - loads of violence!

  6. Yh there would deffinately be less violence and war thats for sure. But I think the world will never be a good place where one s*x just rules it. Women and men should both rule the world and work together to make it a better place.

  7. Contrary to what you would not make things much different. A woman who has made it to the top can be as ruthless and as megalomaniac as a man. Thatcher, Bhutto and Indira Gandhi could all kill someone in cold blood.

  8. oh man, it'd be a total babe fest bro. chicks be walking around, popping out babies, sportin aprons maxin out the hair curlers....


    let's get this party started

  9. we would be dropping bunny rabbits and friendship bracelets instead of carpet bombs. LOL

    there might be some kind of spidery male gets eaten after wards deal put in place.

    EDIT, poster above, you might want to look into mass rapes in rwanda, ethnic cleansing in serbia and war crimes during the falklands.

  10. Men would probably get viewed as s*x objects. Seriously, Women are pervy! All the scandals would be about the female president and her boytoy Fredrico!

    It probably wouldn't be much different. But if One gender had complete controll it would be like an inbalance of energy. We need equal control. It would also depend on the women running things, because we're all different.

  11. In general, it would just be the other way round.

    Women would hold all important positions in politics, economy, culture and public life, perhaps with some few male exceptions, especisally in caring institutions. And such female takeover would even make sense, because women are already much better educated than the average men today. This would mean that our society would get the opportunity to unfold a female creative power we have not seen so far.

    Men would be expected to take over more supportive roles. Many of them will stay at home, doing the housechores and raising the kids. Their wives will be the breadwinners.

    Women will wear the pants, and maybe men will start to wear skirts and dresses, paint their nails and put on make-up, being vulnerable and hopefully protected by their strong and confident wives and girlfriends.

    A cute and well-behaved man will rely on his wife´s guidance.

    If this will be an oppression, depends on whether men will feel subjugated. Maybe, many of them would adapt to women´s rule, above all when living in a loving relationship. Possibly it would just be the other way round, like in the past many women voluntarily submitted to men´s rule in the patriarchy. But maybe there will also be some resistance (>men´s liberation movement).

    I am not sure that the world will be more peaceful than our present one, because women would learn to act like men in the past. Can we hope that giving birth would lead them to a more peaceful regiment? Or would perhaps medical research also find ways to enable men to carry the child?

  12. Truly I'd think I would have a perptuatal migraine if anyone one s*x entirely ruled the world.

  13. They don't? Think about it.

  14. women would prevent global warming...

    theyd find out how to run cars etc on sperm and then theyd breed men in a whole new farming industry and milk them like cattle...well thats what i think

  15. Not really, other than , as you said, less violence.

  16. I do not think there world be any difference to be honest. I definitely think there will be less wars though.

  17. All the toilet seats in the world would be DOWN

  18. It probably would be much the same as it is now.

    Us humans in general are bad at governing ourselves.

  19. Nah. Things will be the same.

    In before feminists.

  20. Men's liberation groups would be all over the place. You can't have peace when a group of people are being oppressed. It would be very much like it was in the past, only the other way around.

  21. Talking of toilet seats, surely it makes sense that whoever used it last should leave it how they like, rather than a man having to go to the toilet, lift the seat, do his buisness and then put it down again which means women wouldn't have to move a thing, women always say 'put the toilet seat down', but they never put the actual lid down themselves anyway...

    Anyway, I think if the women in my life were to rule the world it would be a great place. The streets would be cleaner and everywhere would smell nice. Rubbish food would be out and home cooked food would be all over the place, McRoastDinner and Casserole King. This in turn would resolve a large proportion of health issues, both mental (depression) and physical (improved diet), which would lead hospitals to be less populated and easier to manage. I could go on but I need my sleep.

    Edit: "We had a female Prime Minister for eleven years in the UK, and it made no difference whatsoever." How can you say things were not different? First of all, Thatcher was in charge all that time having to make certain decisions (falklands war) and not a man, so we have nothing to compare her leadership to. Second of all, things we're very different, partly because she was conservative and possibly because she was a woman; people saw her differently and she would act slightly different either because she is a woman or because the public perception of her made her act differently. A lot of negativity came from Thatchers leadership in the UK, mainly towards the masses, the working class, and if you don't keep the working class happy the country will fall apart, as it did a number of times under Thatchers leadership.

  22. Absolute power-corrupts absolutely

    I don't want women to rule the world anymore than I want men to rule the world. Humans aren't good at handling too much power-regardless of gender.

    I'm a feminist from way back and in spite of what anti-feminists say-the last thing I want is either gender to have superior power over the other.

  23. There would be less sexism against women, but probably more against men. Which is just as bad.

  24. Nothing would be any different.  Women who have sufficient drive and ambition to rise to positions of power are no different from men with the same qualities.  We had a female Prime Minister for eleven years in the UK, and it made no difference whatsoever.

  25. Hello? Women DO rule the world!

    Just ask your mom...

  26. The problem is that if women were now to take over and rule, it would likely be the kind of women that have strugglefd to be like men to get into power in the first place: look at how vile, aggressive and competitive Thatcher had to be to get into power.

    However, if we are taking this from the beginning, that women ruled and they were not struggling for power in a male dominated world, I reckon itwould be different. Less violence and war, I believe. Funding would have been put into scientific discoveries about contraception, abortion etc much earlier than it was, and maybe not into the atomic bomb.

    Female designers would rule and men would be tottering around in high heels being constantly uncomfortable with women having comfortable shoes that they could run circles around the men in. p***s enlargements, not boob jobs and vaginal reconstructive surgery, would be the most common plastic surgery....

    I'm sure there would be many negatives, as there are with men running the world. The fact of the matter is, balance and moderation is the most important aspect of life, if we could translate this into rulers of the world, and distribution of power, it would be a better place.

  27. REASON would be made ILLEGAL

  28. Most of the men that rule the world have some idiot of a woman beside them.  Men are probably more sensible woman can be power crazy.

  29. it would probably be the same regardless of what gender holds the power

  30. Same. There are a holes in both genders.

  31. No more rape No more men will sexually abuse children. Everything will not be all about men's penises. Anyway that is if women like me ruled the world otherwise it will all be pretty much the same.

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