
How would this impact wrestling today? Explain your answer, please?

by  |  earlier

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This was already asked by another user, but I'd like to know from all of you, since this is a different time.

If the wrestlers who passed away, never passed away? What impact would they have on wrestling? Would they still be wrestling?

(Brian Adams, Chris Benoit, Owen Hart, British Bulldogg, Crash Holly, Brian Pillman, Mr. Perfect, Eddie Guerrero, and anyone you can list).




  1. Smackdown would be alot different and more entertaining if Eddie hadn't of passed away. Viva La Raza! Yeh he would still be Wrestling.

    Owen it would be different. He was just a talented Wrestler and his death could have been avoided very easily.

    If Chris Benoit never killed himself then the Wellness Policy wouldn't have been bought in and many Wrestlers would be getting away with taking Drugs.

    Brian Adams would have feuded more with The Undertaker or Kane.

    Mr Perfect was awesome. He defeated guys like like Ric Flair, Lex Luger, The Giant, Chris Benoit, Jeff Jarrett, and Diamond Dallas Page. The WWE would be very different with him. It would be amazing if he was still in there..he was a great man.

    [[Edit]] Yeh it sucks when you reach your limit! And normally when i do all the good questions start lol.

  2. a lot of the older wrestlers that have passed would most likely be retired but chris and eddie would make WWE so cool again! Viva La Raza

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