
How would u behave around her?

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You work with your friend's daughter. Your friend is very outgoing, friendly and talkative. But her daughter is incredibly quiet. When you see her, you barely get a smile or a wave out of her. Sometimes her eye contact will flicker or she'll give a small wave. But generally, she doesn't interact much. Someone you know said she's very sweet. You were also told that she takes a long time to warm up and unless she knows you, she won't talk or open up.

What would u start to think about this girl? How would u behave around her?




  1. I would just think what people said, that she needs time to warm up to people.  Some people need time to feel comfortable enough to open up.  Many people just enjoy to be by themselves, in fact, need time by themselves to feel sane throughout the day.

    I would just try to be nice to her, say hello, wave to her, ask her how she is.  I would show her that I am there, but at the same time, I wouldn't push her farther than she's willing to take a conversation.  If she doesn't want to talk, I would leave it be until she's more comfortable.  Just be nice and I'm sure eventually she'll open up.

  2. I wouldn't behave any differently around her than I would with any other coworker.  She'll open up when she's ready.  I wouldn't have any judgments either.  If you want to be closer with her, feel free to invite her to lunch.

  3. I would walk up to her and start a conversation. Be friendly.  

  4. How old is she? In her teens? Young? Even still, some people do just need time to warm up and start talking. I wouldnt act any differently- if you do, she will know and not open up to you because of it. She will start being herself when she feels safe and comfortable, so just keep being yourself or it will go no where.

  5. I would see her as normal. My bro is like that too. Personally, I am very drawn to quiet people as I am quiet types myself. Infact I find such people very deep and actually very nice and sincere people. I feel an instant sense of camaraderie with them. When the other is quiet, even me as a quiet person .. is motivated to talk to them. It's the talkative people I find a little intimidating and even feel that I shd be cautious around them (not all.. am not generalizing, but I am very cautious opening up to someone I dont feel I can trust yet or who might be manipulative or even fake). One thing I would surely advise is don't make her feel secluded. Include her. Lunch invites, taking a lil opinion on something, sharing something with her...etc. things like that.

    If I were working with her, I would wish her cheerfully and strike a balance between showing friendliness and giving them their space too. I would ask how her weekend was, I would ask how her mom's doing. I would strike a conversation and tell a little about what I plan to do or what I did etc. Just enough to establish care and inclusion.

    You seem like a nice person to have cared enough to ask this question.

    If she is usually not like this, maybe she is really down about something going on in her life. or maybe not truly happy with her work and isn't comfortable yet becoz she is really new. Just some wild guesses.. I could be off on this.


  7. I would think that she is just reserved, and give her time to feel comfortable around me.

    A friendly "h**l." and move on will do.

    Sounds like you might be very judgmental.  That is unfair to people that are shy, private, or reserved.  Not everyone like to mix their personal and private lives.

  8. My personal first impression would be that she is shy.

    As for concuct around her.  Just be yourself & she will see your sincerity & open up to you.

    Good Luck - I Just know it will work!!

  9. You don't because you're her parents' friend. She doesn't want to open up to you because she worried that what she told you will come back to her parents. Generation gap.

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