
How would u feel if tomorrow u and 80% of your co workers lost their job to illegal immigrants ?

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That is what's happening to construction workers on a daily basis. Due to the economy everyone is trying to save money so companys are low balling bids getting all of the work and paying their illegal immigrants sub par rates but are giving them cash. The illegals can afford to work cheap cause they don't pay taxes and 10 of them share an apartment and have no other bills so they save money to bring more of their family here illegaly while hard working blue collar americans can't find a decent job cause people continue to support this by hiring companys that use illegals. All of this talk bout sending jobs overseas what bout the jobs being stollen right in your back yard? Who is painting your neighbors house or mowing their lawn? If it was your line of work being taken over would u feel the same?




  1. I agree whit chililicous

    Americans are loosing there jobs to Mexicans because Mexico offers better educaton in schools and Mexicans are more smarter the Americans to.

  2. Here's to Cheeli:

    Your answer is like your little avatar---you are so out of reality...

    Yes there are plenty of illegal Mexicans sharing cheap, rundown apt 10+ in 1 everywhere here in santuary cities all over the U.S.  No they don't pay taxes and mortgages and cable bills and utilitiy bills and everything that a hard working, law-abiding American citizen would have to.  To be a legal citizen here takes much more than just running across the border and not getting caught.  There are many responsibilities that come with the previleges of being a U.S. citizen.  Like you, these illegals do not understand nor do they care how much they are destroying the U.S.A that we know.

    Greasytony's statement of "illegals do pay taxes and they would not get a cent of it because they fear of being caught... the money all went to the retirement fund ....

    just shows how the pro-illegal(including the illegals themselves) have tried so very hard to get anyt kind of justification, however laughable and delusional, for the illegal aliens criminal behaviors.  Yeah, next thing you know, Greasytony is going to tell us that the illegals should sue the U.S. government because simply too many laws in this country for the illegals to work and make a life.

  3. And what is our government doing about it?  Either party?  NOT A d**n THING!  Why blame the immigrants on this one.  Blame the people hiring them.  Ask your Representatives to get off their @ss and enforce laws.  They won't, because if they cracked down on lawn mowing and painting they would have to go after big business too.  Ain't happening.  And sending jobs over seas is worse.  At least the illegals are spending the money here.

  4. "I would feel ashamed that my co-workers were so poorly educated their jobs could be taken by people who don't even speak the language. I have never seen an apartment filled with 10 illegals and I doubt you have either. Taxes are taken out of every-ones paycheck, every person has bills, cable, phone, electricity, car payments, rent, groceries, gas, etc. Perhaps it is our work ethic as well that causes US citizens to lose so many jobs."

    You obviously do not understand the issue; Companies do not mind sacrificing alittle quality if they can go from paying you 9dollars an hour to 3 dollars an hour. I know its very difficult for your brain to fathom this but please draw yourself a graph and figure out the math.

    Good Luck

  5. I would feel the same as I do now.

    Secure the border

    Remove the jobs magnet

    Deny access to social programs

    Stop providing free bilingual education to illegals

    Free bus ticket back to Mexico

  6. I would feel ashamed that my co-workers were so poorly educated their jobs could be taken by people who don't even speak the language. I have never seen an apartment filled with 10 illegals and I doubt you have either. Taxes are taken out of every-ones paycheck, every person has bills, cable, phone, electricity, car payments, rent, groceries, gas, etc. Perhaps it is our work ethic as well that causes US citizens to lose so many jobs.

  7. If you go back to the 1920's and 30's picking crops used to be a way for hard working Americans with low skills to make a living but then a huge influx of illegals came in and completely took over the industry it wasn't that Americans wouldn't do the job its that they wouldn't do it for slave wages and this is what is happening in construction and throughout our whole society. Immigration is limited so that incoming people can come in and assimilate to our way of living and have little impact on wages and society as a whole but with the huge influx of illegals this is being thrown out the window and our society is suffering because of it. It is not the fault of people seeking a better life its the fault of the greedy employers looking to make an extra buck. This backfires when everybody is earning less so they can no longer afford the services these greedy employers offer and they go out of business or ship it overseas to even cheaper workers.

  8. Dude, did U just wake up???

  9. do what other people have done. file law suits against the companies. that is if they failed to provide you a job. i have seen it done and companies start changing there tune.  or contact ins. your labor dept say they are paying under the table. they don't want to be lime light of bad publicity. if they are breaking housing laws you notify you building or  housing regulators of town and city, they will site landlords of breaking housing laws. i have reported in the past and will continue to do so. this is how to stop it.

  10. You're wrong Dude! the jobs are given to the person they think can do the job better and faster. If anybody "lost" a job to an illegal, it's probably because they weren't working hard enough. Now tell me, why are businesses struggling these days after the immigration raids? because the Americans are not stepping up and taking these jobs back, not even with the better wages they are offering.....that's why!

    Illegal Immigrants do pay taxes, they pay billions in taxes and they don't see a cent of it because they are afraid of getting caught and deported, so all that money goes to baby boomers retirement checks, and it helps keep Social Security and Medicare afloat.

    “Americans want to work five days a week, not seven. We’ve advertised all over to find backstretch workers, and we’re lucky if we get one or two. Congress seems to believe we can find Americans to do this work. Well, if they can find them, then please send them to us.”

    "In a time when many Americans are facing a potential recession, why can't he find workers to fill their shoes?

    "That's a great question," he says. "I had my bookkeeper analyze our payroll records from last year. I indicated we had 75 employees who worked in the field. We divided the total amount of wages paid to those workers by those 75 employees, times the total number of hours that they worked. And we found that their average earnings were $16.59 an hour."

    Employers and their advocates say that the fact that wages have increased so much and workers are still scarce is evidence that pay is not the problem. "This is not just about wages," says Regelbrugge. "Who wants to get up 3 a.m. and milk the cows? It's not a lifestyle many Americans opt for, especially when there are more comfortable alternatives."

    "Illegal immigrants are paying taxes to Uncle Sam, experts agree. Just how much they pay is hard to determine because the federal government doesn't fully tally it. But the latest figures available indicate it will amount to billions of dollars in federal income, Social Security and Medicare taxes this year. One rough estimate puts the amount of Social Security taxes alone at around $9 billion per year."

  11. Well, tell employers to pay good salaries to citizens. It doesn't matter that the economy is paws up, circling the drain

    The point is to s***w the immigrants

  12. The same way my ancesters felt when they woke up and discovered their food source slaughtered, their children ripped from their arms to become " civilized " in our guests ways. We didn't perish we overcame, by education and strength of will. If you aren't strong enough to survive then you deserve to fail.

  13. The Governor of Arizona, Janet Napolitano, suddenly quit funding the efforts to control the illegal aliens.  As a result, that exact thing has begun to happen in that State, and it would appear she was threatened by the Democratic Party for helping the local Sheriffs in the first place.


    Brandon says...

    "I would feel ashamed that my co-workers were so poorly educated their jobs could be taken by people who don't even speak the language. I have never seen an apartment filled with 10 illegals and I doubt you have either. Taxes are taken out of every-ones paycheck, every person has bills, cable, phone, electricity, car payments, rent, groceries, gas, etc. Perhaps it is our work ethic as well that causes US citizens to lose so many jobs."


    Driving a nail does not require a huge amount of education, but does require experience.  And the Mexicans coming north are solicited by contractors in this country because they work for much less and sleep in their trucks at night in some cases.

    All of his statement is astonishing.  What is happening is very clearly documented by many, but a site that is particularly good at that would be  They use an RSS Feed, and then use about 1/10th of the articles they get.  

    It happens alright.. and it is very, very well documented.  You only need to do a search in Yahoo to find the articles by hundreds of local newspapers.

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