
How would u fnd da bearings frm bouy 3 to 1 , if buoy 1 was 50km south buoy 2 &buoy 3 was 50km west buoy 3?

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How would u fnd da bearings frm bouy 3 to 1 , if buoy 1 was 50km south buoy 2 &buoy 3 was 50km west buoy 3?




  1. I'm not sure I understand exactly where the buoys are since you have put buoy 2 and buoy 3 50 km west. Having seen these types of problems before, I am going to assume that you have buoy 1 and 2 50 km apart, one due north or due south of the other. Then buoy 3 is 50 km due west of buoy 2. So if you draw it out on a piece of paper, then draw a line between buoy 1 and 3, you will see that you have drawn a right triangle with legs of 50 km each.

    Use the pythgorean theorem were a and b both are 50.

    50^2 + 50^2 = c^2

    2500 + 2500 = c^2

    5000 = c^2

    Now I don't know what level of math you are in, so you can solve this in two ways - one by putting 5000 in the calculator and hitting the sq root key. If that's the case, then your answer is: 70.1

    If you are in Algebra 1, the teacher wants you to simplify the radical and leave it in that form. If that's the case, do this:

    5000 = c^2

    c = sq rt 5000

    sq rt 2500*2

    50 sq rt 2

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