
How would u react in this situation??

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say ur at ur significant other's grandmothers house for dinner. this lady spent the whole day cooking the meal. u take a couple bites of ur food, n u see a dead beetle in it. do u say something? or put the bug in ur napkin n eat the rest of the meal like nothing happened?

wat is the proper etiquette?




  1. Put the bug away and finish the meal. A bug won't hurt you in fact they are a good source of protein.

  2. Many culture eat beetles, maybe it was part of the dish.

  3. I won't even eat food if a fly lands on it! You should have asked your girlfriend which approach would have been least likely to offend her grandmother. If it was a cockroach I personally would have asked for a new plate of food.

  4. a beetle will never hurt you.suck it up. or push it to the side.

  5. Make the old crone eat her own roach-infested food, then make her pay for a decent restaurant meal for you and your SO.

  6. take the bettle out and push the portion that had the bettal to the side and then eat the rest and later say im full and dont eat the bettal touched part and ewwww but she tried hard so dont disapoint her

  7. I would say nothing it would hurt her feelings

    I am sure that the beetle bug was not purposefully added to a meal that she busted her rear to cook all day.  I say take the bug put it in a napkin , act as though you never saw the critter . work around the beetle area and  eat up!  She was grace full enough to invite to break bread at her table

    Food is always meant with love. she likes you or would have not ask you into her home.

  8. Ew. Eat around it and don't say anything.

  9. Wow.  

    I bet you were cool about it, and ate around the portion.

    That's what I would have done too.

    Nice job.

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