
How would u translate "haval al ha zman" into English?

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ex; This dress is so beautiful, " haval al ha zman"




  1. Sounds like someone is saying they are tired of telling you how pretty your dress is.

  2. good choice--how nice --- everything is super, great------is a positive sentence she likes your dress

  3. It doesn't make sense translated literally, but it means that the person loves the dress.

    It can also be used negatively, where the person would have said "that dress is so ugly, haval al azman"

    Confusing, but I hope that helped!

  4. Hi Lene,

    The exact translation would be:  It is a waist of time (haval al ha zman) to try to explain how beautiful your dress is.  

    That is how beautiful it is.


    Ms. Miche ; })

  5. It could be used positively or negatively

    Basically it is like saying top of tops

    Like two people coming out of a lecture, one says is was a terrible lecture "haval al ha zman" meaning to say say what a waste of time

    The other says  it was a great lecture "haval al ha zman" meaning to say what a wonderful lecture

    שני אנשים היוצאים מהרצאה מספרים על התרשמותם ממנה. הראשון אומר: "שמעתי היום הרצאה גרועה. היה ממש חבל על הזמן!" השני אומר: "שמעתי היום הרצאה טובה. היה ממש 'חבל על הזמן'!" שני האנשים השתמשו באותו צירוף - "חבל על הזמן" - בהוראות שונות לגמרי. האדם הראשון השתמש בהוראה המסורתית של הביטוי, בזבוז זמן, לתיאור חוויות שליליות. על פי הוראה זו, הזמן נתפש כמצרך יקר, שחבל לבזבזו על דברים חסרי ערך, שיחות בטלות, דברים לא תכליתיים וכיו"ב. האדם השני השתמש בהוראה המודרנית, הסלנגית, של הביטוי "חבל על הזמן", כדי לציין חוויה חיובית מאוד, שאין טעם לבזבז זמן כדי לתארה. זהו מעין קיצור דרך של השפה, ניסיון לחסוך במילים כדי לתאר חוויה חיובית. מכאן, שעל אף שתי ההוראות המנוגדות של הביטוי "חבל על הזמן", הוא מבטא תפישה תכליתית מאוד של הזמן. מצד אחד, חבל הזמן - אין זמן לבזבז על חוויות לא חשובות. מצד אחר, "חבל על הזמן" - אין לבזבז זמן על תיאור חוויות חיוביות. זו התפישה המודרנית של הזמן.

    The Hebrew is for these above me that think "haval al ha zman" only has one translation.

    Babylon says = it's a waste of time; come on


    (colloquial) it's a waste of time, don't waste time on it, forget it ;

    (slang) fantastic, wonderful, out of this world, great

    So as I said before it could be used both ways

  6. I think it means, "Bulldoze that Olive tree"!

  7. haval =lebanese men

    al = to have

    ha = big/gigantic

    zman = manhood

    Basically someone  told you that lebanese dudes have big dicks.

  8. what it is meant to mean, shame about the time, this dress is so beautiful,“the dress is  so good, it’s a waste of time to even tell you how good it is. Go find out yourself.Declaring something you like a waste of time undermines the thing itself and your investment in it. (slang) amazing; great. Thailand was hhaval al ha zman. This phrase translated literally means "shame on the time" which makes no sense, but everyone -- and we mean everyone -- uses it to describe a wonderful experience. The next time someone asks you how is your dress, , be sure to answer: hhaval al ha zman!

    Literally: It is a shame regarding time (gee that makes sense... not)

    Idiomatically: Don't waste your time or it is a waste of time or it's not worth your effort

    The word, "haval" by itself usually means "what a shame." When using it in the phrase "hhaval al hazman" it is usually in the context of not doing something because it is a waste of time. For example, it can be used in the context of, "Tetalfen bimkom la-amod batur, ki chaval al hazman shelcha" which means "Call instead of standing in line because that is a waste of time." But of course, that is a theoretical sentence because you will never hear it from any clerk in any bureaucratic setting.

    That changes meaning depending on tone, speed, and position of eyebrows.

    Should I read this book?

    "hhaval al ha'zman" (i.e. it's a great read)

    Did you hear the news?

    "haval al ha'zman" (i.e. why bother? i

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