
How would we punish russia?

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just curious as what could we possibly do to effect them




  1. There's nothing much that the west can do. That's a fact, and the west admits that. On the other hand, Europe is dependent on 40% of its oil and gas supplies from Russia. Just imagine the consequences on Europe's economy if that supply would be cut-off. While the US is unaffected by that, much of Europe is. That's why the EU is very cautious at the extent that it should go against Russia. Surely, they have more to lose than to gain.

  2. Economic sanctions would be the best, plus getting Georgian and Ukraine into NATO, so that Russian empire doesn't have any more temptations to occupy independent countries.

    West has to do it because if Russia manages to resurrect USSR it will cost a lot more to break it apart again, let alone human lives lost in process.

    However, as noted EU depends on Russian oil and gas, that is the explanation why EU is so gentle with them.

    On the other hand it's not that one sided either. 25% of Russia's budget is money from Gas export. Dunno how much from oil.

    So, it's not that simple for Russia to use "energetic blackmail" against EU.They need to eat too and support their military somehow.

    80% of food in Russia today is imported.

    P.S. To see how Russian military "does it" search on youtube for Russian army looting. Example below...

    To be fair, that's not only Russian army looting, cossaks, Chechens, north and south Ossetins are the major looters. With full "support" and "understanding" from Russian army.

  3. Sanctions - Exclude them from NATO descission informatives, exclude them from military information and refuse USA and GBR training with them.


  4. Make them promise to leave Georgia when the US leaves Iraq.

  5. um.. here's a shocking thought, maybe let them go unpunished

  6. Nothing.  First of all, who is "we" and is that a royal "we"?  LOL.  By "we",

    I assume you are not one of those people who bravely stood on street corners during the shock and awe blitzkreig of Bagdad and held signs that

    said, " not in my name"  Because that was when the "we" maniacs in Washington were launching a classical imperialist war for oil.  

    Well, to answer you question a little less fatuously, "we" could  take their oil away from them which is what "we" were trying to do by arming Georgia which is sitting near lots, and lots of it in the Caucasus

    area and near Iran.  But the Russians  are probably right now taking Saashkashvili off to some Gulag somewhere ( maybe they could rent space in Gitmo?) far, far away in their mop up operations.  

    See the link below to see militarily how the Russians did it

  7. blow up there vodka supples that will drive them to extinction!

  8. and why would u have to do that??? the first question

  9. well stop trading with russia just like we did with north korea

  10. kick them out of the G8, maybe trade with them less.

  11. Don't enable them, that's all I got. I mean, we're talking about Russia here. It's huge, so it can make its own stuff. It has a lot of natural resources, so it doesn't need to ask for help. Russia's pretty self-sustaining.  

  12. We could stop buying their vodka. That'll show 'em!

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