
How would you ACTUALLY react to a random stranger who sneezes in your FACE?

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when i was getting off the train this random guy sneezed in my face... in a anoyed out burst of anger and worry, i pushed him off the train on to the platform... and other comuter around me were like, "calm down", "why did you do that for?"...

i mean if somebody sneezed in your face... would you have done the same? or do i need to learn more manners?




  1. I woulda said What the ****?!, and then that's probably it :P

  2. I would have been extremely annoyed, and just walked away.  He did not do it on purpose.  It was unintentional.  I agree with the person that said "calm down, why did you do that for"?

    You need to take an anger management course, and learning more manners is the second course you should take.

  3. i would be like "WHAT THE h**l>>>>EXCUSE YOU" how rude...

    id be disgusted



    i would have done the same..good for you to stand up for yourself

  5. Geez, that's a hard action to control. I'm amazed you didn't smack him. Talk about rude & unhealthy!

    I think I would have done something similar AND added a good tongue lashing.

  6. well we all get mad sometimes, but you didnt have to push him

  7. Don't commit any manslaughter because of it. Just make a big fuss.

  8. I'd knocked the h**l out of him. That was rude. He could have covered  his nose with his hand. you pushing him was a normal reaction. What an *** he was.

  9. if they didn't say OMG I'M SO SORRY... i'd probably spit right in their face. that is just gross and rude. i wouldn't push them on the platform though, he could end up falling on the tracks and getting run over by a train. that would of sucked for you.

  10. i would have totally done the same thing dude. who cares if other people think your rude. i mean it was rude of the guy to sneezed in your face

  11. It IS an involuntary action during which the eyes begin to close and one must deal with the physical contortions afterwords. I would say that pushing the person is a form of assault, frankly. If he didn't excuse himself you should have demanded an apology.

  12. you need to learn more manners FOR SURE!

    if he was a total stranger, odds are he sneezed in your face by accident! in which case, i would have said "gross" or "sick..." and he most likely would have responded with things like "i'm so sorry! i didn't mean it", and then i would have MOVED ON! it's not that big of a deal to get sneezed in the face by're not gonna die!

    and now, if you should happen to run into this stranger again, things are going to be incredibly awkward and he might try to push YOU off the train!

  13. Yeah I would most likely do that, too.

    ((but it depends on the person who sneezed on you like a big muscle guy person))

    But honestly I would be like What the ****?! What the h**l is wrong with you?? Haven't you heard of a d**n tissue?!

  14. It depends on the situation, did he try to apologize before you blew up? Did you even give him a chance? If you went off first than Id say you need to learn some manners, if he didnt try to apologize than maybe you were right to do what you did.

  15. OH h**l I sneeze back in their face, then comment ooh sneezing is contagious.

    thats all

  16. No you shouldn't have shoved him. You're really uptight these days wtf? I would of been pissed off, but shoving someone is not solving anything. He didn't do it on purpose. Be careful who you accept advice from. I get the impression a lot of these answers are coming from teenagers who would say shove him or say something rude...but they are TEENAGERS....I would of been like, Is it that hard to cover your face? (frown intensely)..then just leave it.

  17. would have done same thing.....yuck. i would have prolly been a little bit more rude, but no u dont need to learn more manners, they do.

  18. i woulda said what the **** and socked him in the face thats gross and unacceptable  

  19. i think your reaction was fine..i mean thats SOO discusting..i mean eww they just blasted music all over your could get sick..not to mention having mucus sit on your face tillyou could wash it off

    i probably would have done the same thing

    *edit..LOL i said music..meant to say mucus LOL

  20. I wouldn't have pushed him (I'm a middle-aged woman, I can't afford to be pushed back, ha,ha)  But I would have said G-d**n it really loud and called the person all kinds of gross names.

  21. to be quite honest, i would scream "WHAT THE **** YOU MOTHER ******?!" and shove him, just as you did. I'd probably spend the next few minutes cursing the guy out and wiping at my face... unless he sincerely apologized. then i would just slap his arm (after pushing and cursing at him, of course) and storm away... yes.

  22. I don't think that I would have touched the rude human being, but I certainly would have given him a good bit of back chat like

    "Cover your mouth you rude slob".

  23. i would lean back into a 'tae-kwon-do' stance *haha, dane cook* with a disgusted expression on my face. then i would wipe my face angrily and yell, "GOD BLESS YOU!"  

  24. If a random stranger sneezed in my face, I'd probably just say EWWWW really loudly and wipe my face and my glasses off in disgust.

    I'm not really the type to get mad and push someone off the train platform, but good for you! You stood up to a gross and horrendous thing!

  25. Personally, I would've wiped my face off and said "Bless you".

    Come on, it was a stranger. Again, it was probably an accident, and he probably would've apologized.  

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