
How would you address a sovereign.?

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I.E. Lord, magesty, father




  1. Your majesty if I could not prepare.

    If I could prepare I would look up how they are supposed to be addressed.

  2. A sovereign is addressed in various ways depending on the manner in which he or she is addressed. (For the purposes of this answer, I am using the British system of noble titles.)

    A letter addressed to a sovereign should be directed to "HM the King" or "HM the Queen" (where "HM" is an abbreviation of "His/Her Majesty"). The salutation of the letter should be "Your Majesty".

    Oral address of a sovereign must begin with "Your Majesty", but the sovereign is subsequently referred to as "Sir" or "Ma'am".

    Royal peers, which are generally members of the royal family including princes and princesses, are addressed as "Your Royal Highness".

    Dukes and duchesses are referred to as "Your Grace". Lower ranks of nobility (i.e., marquess, earl, viscount, and baron) are "My Lord" or "My Lady". Baronets and knights of any order are "Sir", while Ladies are either "My Lady" or "Madam" depending on the order.

    Again, different rules apply to different sovereigns and systems of nobility, but these are the British forms with which most Americans would be familiar.

  3. Depends on the Sovereign.  

    A King or Queen is usually "Your Majesty" or "Your Royal Highness"

    A Prince/Princess/Regent is typically "Your Majesty" or "Your Highness"

    Others such as a Duke, Marquess, Earl, or other peers are typically addressed as "Milord" or "Milady" (pronounce "MeLord" or MeLady")

    A Viceroy or Military Governor are typically always male, addressed as "Your Excellency" or "Your Grace"

  4. Hey you fat SOB, which way is your limp noodle hangin?

  5. Since I am an American I would not address them as anything but 'Sir' or Mam'...they p**p just like the rest of us and no grand titles or "kow-towing" changes that.Respecting their position is one thing,subservient behavior from any American towards them is quite another issue.It should never be done.

  6. I believe the first time you speak to them it is "Your Majesty", and then after that just Sir or Ma'am.

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