
How would you address poor performance from an individual?

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How would you address poor performance from an individual?




  1. I would make sure that everything is well documented.

    Attendance, Performance, Job Quality, Attitude.

    When you write a review of someones performance always include the positive as well as the negative. They should always sign the review so that there is proof the were told about any negative issues.

    Keep track of examples or documentation of any Poor Performance.

    If you end up firing the person, these can be used as grounds for dismissal, it would also help the company with any claims for unemployment etc.

  2. I would gently suggest, he put his money under the mattress.

  3. Honestly & with documentation if needed.

    If possible it should be done with an "air" of assistance rather than blame...... unless you've already had these conversations, with them, prior.

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