
How would you answer a question asking "In what ways would you like to immolate this person?"?

by Guest55716  |  earlier

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It's about a saint.

I know that immolate means like sacrifice.




  1. Immolation refers to sprinkling the victim with grain prior to the execution. The origin, perhaps, of Shake n' Bake. It has also the meaning of the sacrifice itself.  I have entertained visions of drowning Bin Laden in a vat of pig manure, but I don't think I could do it myself.

  2. I think the word you want is "emulate", not "immolate". As you can see from the definitions above of the word "immolate", the question doesn't make much sense.

    I think you mean to "emulate" somone, which means to strive to be like him/her, to follow the example of the person.

  3. Typically, immolate means to destroy by fire: Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source - Share This


    –verb (used with object), -lat·ed, -lat·ing.

    1. to sacrifice.  

    2. to kill as a sacrificial victim, as by fire; offer in sacrifice.  (the most common use of the word)

    3. to destroy by fire.  

    [Origin: 1540–50; < L immolātus, ptp. of immolāre to sprinkle with holy meal prior to sacrificing, sacrifice, equiv. to im- im-1 + mol(a) sacrificial barley cake, lit., millstone (see mill1) + -ātus -ate1]

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