
How would you answer this interview question?

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I had a interview today for a job as a chilcare support worker and i was given this scenario

Boy in foster placement and foster carer is having difficulties, what would you do as a support worker to help?

How would you have answered this?





  1. id answer like this id get in contact wth the foster parent and find out exsactly what the problem was then i try to work around the situation ask questions resolve answers and support what each as an the foster parents and the boy would like to be done taking in both intrestest can help out with a situation then i could take what ever action was needed to resolve the problem hope ive helped good luck.

  2. I think that it is a question put to you, to invite questions back from you to have the situation they set out, further clarified. Clearly, you need more information before you could determine exactly what sort of help is required.

  3. Look at what these difficulties are, with the boy. Recognise them, but see him as a person, regardless of the difficulties he has to endure. Boost his self esteem in the areas of his life where these difficulties are not apparent, as children in "care" have notoriously low self esteem. Encourage the boy to recognise his own worth, as well as what his rights and responsibilities are, and what you, as the care giver are responsible for.

  4. Try to establish what the difficulties the carer is having, and depending on the scenario aid them by either communicating with the boy or in extreame cases perhaps relocation.

    that is my attempt to answer x

  5. Find out what services are being used already, if no respite support being used, find some. Perhaps call a case conference to discuss issues with all involved with child.

    Take the child ouit for a 1-1 chat, and just be supportive, listen, don't make promises and see where that takes you.

    Good luck with the job

  6. there is not enough information to help, what kind of difficultie,

    beat on someone , pi on himself ect...

  7. i would offer the carers the chance of respite care, and try and get to the bottom of the problem maybe take the boy out for the day a treat do something with him and have a nice chat.

  8. This is not an emergency situation or you would not be asking the question. I think the crucial term you use is 'support worker'. That term does not imply seniority so report this to a your line manager and seek guidance from them.

  9. I would ask them what sort of difficulties is he having, and then act appropriately to support him.

  10. 'Primarily, i would follow the guidelines that i have been given, which i assume would be something like: see if it is something simple, for example, maybe it's just a hard day, and they need a friendly ear, but if it seemed beyond my expertise, encourage them to seek further support, and guide them to the appropriate services. I would also follow up and see how they were getting on in the time frame outlined in the guidelines.

    My answer would also depend on the full job description, and what would be expected of me.

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