
How would you approach your neighbours about noisy s*x?

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I mean it's a sensitive subject. It's the fact they like to open the windows when having s*x and she is very loud.

How do i approach them about it?




  1. Call the police and tell them you think someone is being murdered next door...............

  2. I you have a this really loud everyday until you don't hear them anymore

  3. Put on loud music and face the speakers in their direction during that time.

  4. Send them an anonymous letter.

    Knock on their door while they are at it.

    Stand outside their window and shout: I think someone is getting killed up there.

    Put a leaflet through their door about safe s*x.

    Good luck.


  5. If you really don't want to approach them, maybe you can just leave an anonymous note? And I would keep doing it everytime you hear them.

  6. haha.. sounds like they are doing it deliberalty and they want people to hear them.

    when you next see them you could comment about it  

    'ohh.. sounds like you really enjoyed yourself last night. i put on my music really loud but you were still over powering it'

    they will know what you are talking about .. and if they have shame they will know to close their windows .. if they continue to open it then you know they are doing it to make people hear.

  7. Ahwell has the winning answer! That'll shut 'em right up!

  8. Call them while their in the act and ask them if you could join. They should get the hint.

  9. Turn your music louder. Or  write an anonymous big poster on their door. "When you have s*x,  everybody can hear you"

  10. ooooo.... tough luck.... lol

  11. Well, you just have to suck it up.  This is not something that you can go to them about.  Way too sensitive.  Close your windows.

  12. I'd say. Look Dude, I can here you banging your wife and I'd maybe like to join in. Is a camcorder welcome?

    Seriously though it's a delicate subject and one that should be approached with a calm mind. So what I'd say is don't go over there angry and don't let it build up in your mind until you explode at them. It will be embarrassing for all of you. If it is an issue with the window then maybe they can close it. The point is to just make them aware. Maybe approach your female neighbour just so it doesn't look like your hitting on her husband or anything. Be strong you have a right to peace like everyone else. The note idea may seem good but it might work against you as you look like a stalker.

  13. oh my gosh -that's a tough one!  I would probably laugh hysterically - maybe they would hear you and get the hint.

  14. eeek i dunno thats a hard one (no pun intended).  You could maybe approach them saying that you can hear  sounds coming from them and could they keep it down?? sorry thats prob not much help

  15. Oh definately get fold up chairs to hand and when they start, set you and your friends up outside like you were all at an open air concert, then not only clap but cheer and stand up and shout encore and such.

    If they say anything, tell them - well you opened the windows to make all that noise, we thought you wanted to share with us.

    Seriously.....write a letter saying dear so-and-so, we are not sure if you are aware of this but you make far to much noise when you are having s*x. It's embarrassing for us and hard to explain to the kids - we'd like you to stop sharing your experiences with us.   And sign it "your neighbors". I'm betting they'll stop.

    We did that to the couple that had loud screaming arguments on an almost daily basis, saying "we are not sure you are aware of this but everyone can hear you..." we dropped it through the letterbox at night, unobserved. They had their fights quietly after that.

  16. Ask if you can join in.

  17. This actually happened in my apt building about 10 years ago. The upstairs neighbours were quite amorous and loud so much so that the neighbours on both sides of the building could hear them.

    We discretly put a note in their mailbox suggesting that perhaps they needed to quiet down as the entire street was aware of their activities.

    They moved about two months later. ;-)

  18. If they arn't keeping you awake at night....just put on some music.

    If you have children, I belive you have a valid argument - speak to them and explain how it is not appropriate for your children to hear this type of thing.

    EDIT - also, an air horn comes to mind......blow the horn every time you hear them :o)

  19. Blasting Music Is A Good Idea, But Screaming 'SHUT UP!!!!!!!' Or 'BE QUIET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' Works Best! If Niether Work, Just Leave A Letter In Their Mailbox, Telling Them  To Close The Windows When They Have s*x. Don't Sign It, And Try To Print It With A Computer Or Use Very Plain Writing, And Take Your Time, As They Might Recognize Your Writing, Or Just Guess! If You Know Their Email Adress, Email Them About It, But Make Sure You Use A Different Email Adress, As They Might Find Out You Emailed Them (Make A New One, And 'Dirty Work' Email Adress)

    -- Good Luck -- -- It Will Be Hard --

  20. i had neighbours like that once they done it mostly during the day open window and she screamed and howled well i went out the front got a couple of neighbours that lived in the same cul de sac to stand at my gate and we  just laughed really loudly and they soon stopped

  21. Have louder s*x.

  22. p**s my self laughing at them

    just say make them feel like idiots i would

    Lmao !!!

  23. The next time they do that wait until a quiet moment when you know they'll hear you make a noise ... like a cough, or a sneeze, or bang a couple of pots together once.  Something that would be a normal noise, which will (hopefully) make them realize how much noise carries between your houses.  I'm guessing they don't know.

    Of course, they could be doing it on purpose.  So try what I suggested a few times, until you're sure they hear you.  And if that doesn't work, don't feel badly about saying something embarassing to them.  There's no reason you should have to put up with that.


    Oh, I loved some of your other answers ... so I want to add my own fun idea.  

    Wait until they're done, and then applaud!

  24. Just shout out 'Shut up' if it's that bad!

  25. Definitely a tricky question ill give you that. My opinion is that there is no right answer because everyone is different. How you approach someone about such a sensitive subject greatly depends on the demeanor and openness of the person. Most people think and feel that they have the right to do whatever they want in their own house and i think that is a key idea to hit on when confronting them. Let them know that you don't want to tell them how to be or live, but try to get them to see your perspective on things. For example how it is negatively effecting you. I don't think that should necessarily even talk about the s*x just say they are being loud they will get the idea.  But just like anything in life the easy way is usually the worst way. :)

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