
How would you as a parent react? ( please read & help me =/ )?

by  |  earlier

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I posted a question similiar to this earlier & had a talk with my dad about going in a boy's car & he said no. I was just wondering how other parents would react if ex: a boy wanted to take your daughter to a movie or the mall or somewhere to have fun & go on something like a date would your daughter be allowed in this boys care under only these circumstances?




  1. am not parent yet but it would depends  on the age like the other one said  

  2. Depends on how old she is and what time of day.  I'd want to know when she'd be home, not too late.  I'd say no going in a car with a boy alone if younger than 16.  I got into a lot of trouble in cars with boys alone when I was a teenager. I'd as a parent not approve of the age difference, 15 and 17.  I know it's only two years but boys at that age are only after one thing and girls that age are sooooo vulnerable.  There and back, I'd have to know exactly where you're going and when you'd be leaving and coming home and have a cell on you so I could call you.  But actually, at 15 I'd drive you myself until I got to know the boy and could trust him.

  3. First, age would be a BIG factor!! I would say 17 yrs of age and above would be okay as long as it was staright there and straight back.

  4. How old is my daughter and how old is the boy??

    I have kids who are way too young to date so I haven't come to these situations yet. I would allow my daughter to go on a date if I felt it were safe, and if I'd met the boy and they were reasonable ages for one another.

    If my daughter were 14 and she wanted to do all this with a 17 year old boy - NO WAY. If they were both 17, sure.  

  5. For me, it would depend on how well I knew the young man and how much I trusted both of them.  

    If you are the daughter and want to go out a date, I suggest you let your parents meet him and get to know him.  If they have any reasons not to trust you, or if there have been previous incidents where you may have broken their rules, make sure you resolve them with your parents.  Ask if there are any conditions that would make them more comfortable about it, such as coming home by a certain time, answering your phone if they call or text you, etc.

    Good luck.

  6. If my daughter and the boy were both at least 16 yrs old.  If I knew the boy to be a responsible person.  Yes I would but he would need to have her home by a reasonable time, 10pm on a school night - 11pm on a weekend.  

  7. I would let them for sure but that's because as a kid my parents let me go anywhere i wanted and nothing ever happened to me. Lol I'd be down in a city 2 hours away for about half of the whole day usually. Also i was just 14 when I did this. 17 seems like a pefectly reasonable age to drive you to the mall or whatever. I might want to meet him though first just to make sure he's nice and polite. Maybe you could take the bus to the mall instead? It's a little safer. Or you could ask your dad to drive you. That's ok too.

  8. Since my daughter can't date until she's 16, I'd say this isn't a good idea.

  9. It's probably just because he doesn't know the boy well.

    The first time I was ALLOWED(meaning I did it anyways before lol) to ride with my boyfriend, he was 16, I just turned 16, was leaving my birthday dinner and my mom was behind us so she got to see his driving. He's 18 and i'm 17 now and he still drives me everywhere cause I  still don't have my license lol.

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