
How would you assess the prospects of development of LDCs in relation to getting d support of develop country?

by Guest32151  |  earlier

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How would you assess the prospects of development of LDCs in relation to getting d support of develop country?




  1. Given the collapse of the Doha Round, I'd have to say the prospects were bleak:

    and even those happy about the collapse agree that there is little support for the LDCs among the developed countries:

    On the other hand, the biggest obstacle to development in the LDCs is not the lack of support from the developed countries, but their own social systems: corruption, autocratic rule; etc. One can argue that by funneling aid through the existing governments, the developed countries have hindered development in the LDCs by supporting the corrupt regimes.

    John Kenneth Galbraith started doing research on development decades ago and no one since has disproven his results: that it is the people and the social system that count. Even in the developed world, you can contrast northern Italy from southern Italy; the different countries in Eastern Europe before, during, and after the Soviet era; and the different states within India.

    And, of course, there are all the "miracle economies" or "tigers" that are no better than their neighbors in terms of natural resources, etc., just in how they allow those resources to be used.

    Also note that the local elites are generally not interested in development. They are already at the top of the local heap. Any development  that isn't guaranteed to keep them there is a threat to their position, and they will fight to keep it out.

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