
How would you be able to tell that you are getting old ?

by Guest57577  |  earlier

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Now as for me, I can only relate this following situation;

Although I'm a pensioner, (see my profile) I still drive my own car and having lost one of my friends recently, I have had poor nights rest these past few days, so this morning it was the funeral and I got up early to get ready. I had a bath, and put out my clothes on the bed, and then I noticed that one of the cats had made a mess in the lounge so I started cleaning that lot up, but it took some time, and when I looked at the time it was already past my estimated leaving time, so I took my coat and put that on and went to the funeral. When I got there, I noticed everyone look at me funny only to discover that I had completely forgotten to get dressed !

I still had my "winter pyjamas" on ! ( Men's pyjamas pants and top)...

Even my house slippers still on....

My Word...

Really embarrassing, but I put my head up high and sat it out.....

I really think I am getting past it now. A real batty old owl....

Have you ever noticed age creep in on you like that? Relate your story.




  1. You're only as old as you feel.

  2. I knew three sisters one was 96 years old, she ran a bath got undressed and could not remember whether she had ben in the bath or not,  she called to her sister who was 94 and said could you help me I cannot remember  whether I have had a bath or not,.   Her sister said she would come up and see and started to climb the stairs by the time she was half way up she forgot why she was on the stairs and could not decide whether she was going up or down,  she  called out to the younger sister who was 92, on hearing this she said I hope I dont not get forgetful and knocked on wood, she then said when I see who is at the door I will be there

  3. when ur birthdays exceed 70 before that dont worry about it, actually you know you are getting old when you start worrying about getting old

  4. aww, you were clearly in deep thought about your friend, and stuff like that happens x

    would your friend who has left this life have nudged you, and would you have had a silent giggle with each other?

    your friend would have smiled and it would have been a joke between the two of you

    im sooo touched !

    dont worry x

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