
How would you beat maywhether?

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assuming that you are an excellent boxer fast ,strong, smart anything you want what is your approach to beat him if it can be done.




  1. Wear him out. Dela Hoya almost got it but he just didn't connect.

    If he went all out towards Mayweather's head, he'd be down at about the 11th round.

    I'd do the same, or borrow he's body and make it younger by 7 years.

  2. How would you beat maywhether?


    You can beat a MAY Weather by praying hard that it's JUNE already.

  3. Get close, keep him on the ropes, work his body, don't chase him, once caught, don't let him wiggle. In late rounds, fire upward, exit blocked with foot on outside, land the hook.

  4. duran would be too slow........... it would be tough, hes such a defensive fighter that going only the offensive just lets him counter with that speed. honestly, there isnt a fighter who can beat floyd right now(besides a one hit shot which can happen to ne one). but he d have to have speed equal to or better than floyd's or i dont think he has a chance. more so, he has to be a boxer i mean a student of the game like floyd, two or three gameplans with the ability adapt on the fly. people dont realize that behind his talent, floyd is a great boxer who puts every bit of that talent to use.(thats y de la hoya had a split decision, cause he can box not just fight)

  5. Floyd is right now the best out there, and still will be even after he gets beat by De La Hoya in their fight coming up later this year. He has accomplished what most all fighter never will. But, even with one loss on his record he will still be considered the best. Look at Ali's record. So, to answer your question, the best way to beat Floyd will be displayed in the De La Hoya fight.

  6. Be aggressive like Ricky Hatton but be smart like De La Hoya and work the body like Castillo and throw many jabs if i had the reach advantage.

  7. Counter his technique with the same technique...speed.

  8. Tell him dat ur gonna *** on his eye then he wont be able to see u.

  9. Well the pressure approach has been proven to not work against him Emmanual Augustus, Jesus Chavez and Hatton have all shown that Mayweather knows exactly how to handle a pressure fighter.

    No, the way to beat Mayweather is a mix of athleticism and genetics.  Someone that has the height of Paul Williams the speed of Zab Judah and the stamina of a prime Mickey Ward.

    This future athlete will have to own a powerful jab that can last all 12 rounds with the same snap as in the first.

  10. I've only seen a couple of Mayweathers fights so I can only go by what I've seen. What about drawing Mayweather out of his defence? He's a very defensive fighter who seems to hide behind his shoulder a lot waiting to counter. I wonder what would happen if you forced him out of his comfort zone?

    He is a top quality fighter though so it'd be a toughy!

  11. Im not sure, the thing about Mayweather is that he doesnt get bullied to the ropes like everyone thinks. I've seen most of his fights, and he goes to the ropes on purpose cause thats where his shoulder roll is affective the most. See his training vids and you'll see him practice moving and ducking on the ropes..

    With that in mind, i wouldnt pressure him cause i would get countered and blocked all day. I would mirror his fighting style. I'd pop him with jabs and block his single shots. I'd take my time with single shots and force him to come out at me to exchange for a few minutes

    Castillo didnt do the best agaisnt Floyd, Judah did. Zab beat Floyd for 3 or 4 rounds out of the first 5, something nobody has done. And Floyd had an injured shoulder and i think a broken hand when he fought Castillo the first time.

  12. One thing ODL proved is that you can actualy get to Mayweather with Jab. Had Oscar stuck with his jab he probably would have won the fight. Honestly I thought Castillo beat him twice with pressure but Floyd is an underated inside fighter so you have to be able to handle him countering on the inside. But he can also be outboxed I think Oscar is planning on outboxing him in their next fight but well see if that actually happens.

  13. You are now entering the Noirnoticvibe.....i'd train heavy in cardio...i mean like i was about to fight a 15 rounder... train to throw 100 jabs per round and combo's and counter combo's of head body body head fight night.... i'd attack floyd with(south paw) jabs then combo's side step(lateral movement) and pop off 2-3 jabs to nutralize his counter attack...i'd take slight steps backwards then side step attack and then side step 2-3 jabs..the repetition of this will gain me a sizable lead...(Zab Judah the 1st 4-rds., Emanuelle Burton 1st 4-rds) the only difference is i'll follow that for the whole 12...i would not look for a KO...Floyd expects that actually that's just one of his psyche games he trash talks you to the point where that's all you want and so you committ to the act not realizing you are falling into his defensive/counter punching style) when DLH jabbed he controlled the fight but when he tried for the KO or punshing blows he got picked apart..why because your combos become 2-3 punches or single shots and floyd is good at reading body language so was (ray robinson,ray leonard,roberto duran,marvin hagler,early roy jones, and the best to do it Pernell Whittaker) you have to break him down with basics but you need the stamina to do it....jabs,combo's and lateral movement for 12...and evertime he attacks side step jabs 2-3 and keep that up never keep planted in one position for two long that would fustrate him because that's just how he would make him desperate leaving him open for great counter attacks and possible knockdowns and a late KO if you got the power late because Floyd does have a great chin it's been tested but he's so good you dont know if he's hurt or not........and after 12 rounds of boxing we go to the score cards...Ladies and Gentlemen........and viewing attendants across the globe..... the NEW WORLD CHAMPION.........the NOIRRRRRRRRRR NOTTTTTIC VIIIIIIIBE!!!!........ "I just wanna thank my lord and savior jesus christ, my trainer, too all my M@#$%'s back home, snake and weasle, ohhh yeah my baby momma...the checks in  the mail you B!#@# and for you haters who thought i was a joke how you like me now!!!...YO COTTO i'm callin you out next, that's right you heard it right here live on PPV now it's on you son"

  14. Joe Calzaghe is the only boxer that would stand a chance & they box at different weights so will never happen.

    The reason i say that is he throws a thousand punches in a fight tough to beat that on points !!

  15. He is vulnerable after the shoulder roll.  Force him to do that, then drill him when he comes back to counter.  Fake a big right then try to hook him as he rolls.

  16. one way would be to do exactly what he does, be first outbox him allot of moving and defence, and youd have to be a great counter puncher,zab judah outboxed him for a few rounds,so ud have to be basically a copy of mayweather and add more speed and youd win, thats just my opinion.

  17. timing him with the jab like oscar was doing

  18. with a gun!!!

  19. Put stuff on the gloves that will blind him!!!!

  20. i think the best way is to presure him and throw quality body puches to try and take out his legs, the only  way you can do that is if your able to with stand his boxing skills and  stamina....mayweahther is always in great shape....

  21. Genetically modify   Ricky Hatton to be slightly "bigger: than what he was when he fought maywether  ,cos Mayweather was way to big for him    Ricky could of won if they where the same size

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