
How would you categorize George Bush's legacy?

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Do you think he was a good president? Was it helpful for our country? Has he done a good job? Is our country better than it was, as far as prosperity, before he took office?




  1. I think he did the best he could with what he was dealt with... I don't think he was the best or the worst president in our history... I think he kept our country as safe as possible... and congress helped to turn our bill of rights into a mockery... and since Clinton left us in a recession I don't think he did all that bad.... and again we cannot forget that congress is just as much to blame for the fallacies of the US government as the President does...  

  2. Good grades on national defense, not so good on fiscal responsibility.

  3. 1 - Generally, he's been effective in a positive way.

    2 - Yes, I do.

    3 - Mostly.

    4 - Mostly.

    5 - Most definitely, and despite what the wacky far-left wingnut crowd screams and carries on about.

  4. He is not out of office yet perhaps something will come up that better categorizes George Bush before he leaves office ,I would not be surprised if Bush did not start ww3. f.p

  5. Abysmal.

  6. any one answers yes to the last question they are McCain supporters who believe the middle class are those who earn 5 million dollars a year, or as Obama put so factually ''out of touch'' !

  7. History will find him to be a good president. He protected America, liberated the Middle East, and kept the economy strong throughout his presidency.

  8. He is one of our worst Presidents.  His administration has made a mockery of the Bill of Rights in more than one area, and corporations have benefited at the expense of individuals.

  9. He will be brushed aside as an aberration.

    Otherwise he will be remembered as the man who lost the US its place in history.  The man responsible for the beginning of its end as a major, respected, world power

  10. Worst president ever. Under his reign we were attacked by terrorists, went to war, were helpless during natural disasters and the economy is near collapse, (last time I checked were were over NINE TRILLION DOLLARS IN DEBT). He is also very unintelligent. At least he comes off that way. The link I have provided proves using the knowledge of many skilled and respected historians, that George W. Bush is the worst American president in the history of the country.

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