
How would you change racism?

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if you were a president how would you change racism?




  1. It's a great thought, but one person, even a president, cannot change people's attitudes alone. It's the people themselves. They can be encouraged but not forced.

    Racism as well as xenophobia (fear, mainly from ignorance, of anything foreign) are phenomena that are inbred and affect societies all over the world. They are never likely to be eradicated because people are different and act differently. We can't possibly all think the same.

    So racism will never go away, but prejudice and discrimination based on race, can be legislated against and reduced through education. This will help over time.

    Life is not all just black and white!

  2. It is a long step, but you have to unite everybody.

    But everybody has their prejudices, so you either have to be extremely gifted, or maybe its something that we can't solve, but we can make it better

    Maybe in hundreds or thousands of years when all the races eventually mix then itll be solved lol

  3. I would a chimerical into the drinking water to make everyone skin turn pink  

  4. Racism=ignorance so conversely awareness or information ( valid clear audience appropriate info) is the first step. Racism is caused by fear of the unknown, or ignorance . People are just so much more comfortable if they can create an us and them mentality in d**n near anything. Us creates strength and them creates isolationism.

    So education, interaction, tolerance and patience would be the cure

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