
How would you characterize a highly developed human being?

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How would you characterize a highly developed human being?




  1. Someone like the Dalai Lama.

  2. Any person who can do one selfless act.

  3. well interated, spiritually, psychologically, emotionally, intellectually, socially, physically.

  4. someone with spirtual wisdom

    like the dalai lama

  5. we havent seen this yet so there is no classifcation

    give it another 3-5 thousand years if we make it that long and we'll meet one

  6. A self-actualized man has achieved a high level of accomplishment in business, economics, science, and the arts.  Sometimes called a Polymath, the highly developed human being has mastered to a very high degree several disparate skills, such as speaking several languages fluently; has made a successful living; has developed a new discipline; plays musical instruments on a concert level of skill; is well travelled, broad in outlook; and very influential in their own society.  The 'Renaissance Man' is rare indeed.

    Examples are: Sigmund Freud; Dr. Jigoro Kano; President Theodore 'Teddy' Roosevelt.

  7. A highly developed human being is calm, empathetic, patient and able to verbally and/or intrinsically paint a perspective that most others are incapable of seeing or understanding.  

    They have an endless desire for wisdom and are excited at understanding.

    They are confident and humble and see through the exteriors of others.  "Mainstream" people are a bore to them.  

    They know the endless mileage of and universal return of a kind word.

    A highly developed human is a very lonely person without others like them.  And, if they're at the top of Maslow's chart, then they have less than a 10% chance of even finding someone like them.  

    I think it would be nice to know your idea of a highly developed human.  :-)

  8. Its my theory that we will jump another step in human evolution toward either by genetic modern manipulation combined with our natural develpemental stage   of survival, thus developing resistance to environmental changes such as tolerance to ultraviolet radiation due to ozone depletion ,as well as becomming more tolerant to disease, we may also develope into a more androgynouse species a type of androgynosapiens so to speak  in oh say 100,000 year slow period of evoluton, thereby making the ability to reproduce more efficient for our species,but however with the tampering of genes,genomes and chromosomes we may wind up a dead end..the future is not set.

  9. I agree with Sanbox69 Me ...and a further example could be...................Me again

  10. No appendix and no wisdom teeth.  That person is more evolved.

  11. Developed as in Dolly.P?

    Or developed as a good person?

    To me kindness and common sense ,is the best development in a human being ,the rest will follow with those qualities.

  12. One who consistantly expresses gratitude. Sounds wierd, I know, but it's true. People who express gratitude regularly are the most likely to be intelligent, highly educated, polite, and independant thinkers. It has to do with upbringing.

  13. By her large chestal area.

  14. me ;)

  15. "Behind the scenes guy"

  16. Physically: An ectomorph - Mr. Universe / Mr, Olympia - In their prime - Arnold Schartzenegger  Bill Pearl

    Mentally:  A Genius, Menusa Level or above.-Steven Hawkinson - Albert Einstien

    Spiritually:  Dahli Lama / Billy Graham

    Personality:  Robin Williams / Johnathan Winters

    Integrity:  Ronald Regan / Wilford Brimley

    Comic Book Theoretical:  Uses 8 % of her brain, is as compassionate as she is brilliant.  Possesses powers of telekinesis, telekinetiks, can and does master all languages and dialets used on earth, and can read any text ever written on this earth.  Can out "calculate" any computer, Knows how to to solve the problems of world hunger, the oil crisis, global warming.  Developes computer programs to predict earthquake, tornado, avalanche, tsunami, and hurricanes.

    Developes low cost alternative fuels that are practical and plentiful and re-newable, - basically replaces the need for fossil fuels, nuclear power, and coal.  (This is probably one that get buried and covered up - and ends in a fatal "Accident" of our heroine).

  17. There is no such thing

  18. One who never expresses gratitude. To express gratitude is to

    assume that a lack of the thing that one is thankful for would be

    justified. A person that does not express gratitude is a person that

    strives to make the world better.

    People that never express gratitude are the most likely to be

    intelligent, highly educated, polite, and independant thinkers.

    It has to do with genes. Funny that Christine H states the polar

    opposite of the truth.

    Do you know what people were the most grateful? The african

    slaves of the old south. And just look how intelligent, highly-educated,

    and independent-thinking they were.

  19. a mature adult

  20. I don't care about intelligence or being successful.  As long as they are nice and happy that's fine with me.  Can't say that about much of today's society though.

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