
How would you comprehend the fundamentals of a caregiver?

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i just want to know whats caregiver all about




  1. Wow where does one start?

    The caregiver or carers role is wide and varied, often rewarding, but also can be very overwhelming, frustrating, emotionally & physically demanding, and then there is the change in family dynamics, including added stress to partner & children, financially, socially etc.

    The caregivers role can often be a 24/7 job, with very little support or respite. Depending on the type of disability or medical condition of the person they are caring for, the caregiver can do everything for the person, such as dressing, toileting, bathing & dental care, feeding, assisting to walk or move around, or pushing them around in wheel chairs etc, lifting & transferring to bed, chairs to wheel chairs, preparation of meals (some people need special diets etc).

    Then there is the caring for the emotional, social and educational needs, which can be severely diminished due to the type of disability.

    As carer I only experience some the above for a short time, and I come exhausted.

    I hope this is what you were after

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