
How would you convince somebody that makes less than 50k per year to vote Republican?

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How would you convince somebody that makes less than 50k per year to vote Republican?




  1. Just say to them if they like being a dem then they wouldn't mind if:

    You quit your job then proceeded to move yourself and your family into their house so they can provide for you too (if dem they shouldn't mind after all that is what is expected of all taxpayers when it comes to the programs like welfare)

    After moving in, if these people are christian, then take them to court and sue for violating your civil rights by reading the bible or mentioning god in your presence.

    Eat all of their food and don't contribute anything then complain that they didn't provide enough food or the kind that you like.

  2. First you would evaluate the mentality of the person you were talking to. If he were just lucky enough to be making $50,000 I would print out the Federal Tax Guide for the years 1996-2000 and show him the difference in the taxes for salaries then and now, which started around the $30,000 tax bracket.  Then I would give him a scenerio; "If you had a friend in school, a good football player, who partied all the time and he was losing his scholarship because of his 1.0 grade average and he needed at least 3.0 to keep it, while you had a 4.0 average because you stayed home and studied hard, would you want someone to take 2.0 from your average  so that he could maintain his scholarship?  Would that be fair?" That is what the Democrates plan to do.  Also, look up how health care works in Canada, how people come to the United States to pay for medical treatment, etc.

    The Republican party is not the ideal party but they are realistic in the belief that each person has an opportunity in this country to be and make of themselves whatever they want.  If you check history and financials, they are also the back bone of this country.  They are the employers, the investors and their ideals are what this country was founded on.

  3. I would give them a good fast lesson on economics and explain how if taxes go up for the "rich" they will be the ones who really pay. When small business owners have taxes raised on them they pass it on to the consumer in the form of price increases. The price of cars, coffee, groceries, clothing, plumbing, oil changes, etc all go up and so does the sales tax. When you start taking money out of your 401k or IRA someday you will see most of it go to taxes as well. Republicans think that individuals and communities working together can help their fellow man while Dems think the government is the only place capable of doing it. I would educate them on what socialism really is about; keeping the poor down and dependent upon the government so that they will be forced to continue to vote them into office. Private industry can do it better. It's called incentive and supply and demand. Look at schools in the city that have been privatized. They are thriving and doing so much better than when the governement did it. Oh my. Why would someone making $50k vote for a Democrat?

  4. it boggles my mind.

    these people aren't even on the radar with the republicans. they don't even mention them.

  5. You scare them by claiming that Democrats will take your guns away and increase taxes.

  6. Easy.  You lie to them.  Tell them their taxes will go up.  Tell them that they'll be stripped of all their guns.  Tell them Obama is a muslim.  Tell them he hates America.  Tell them anything you think they might believe.

  7. Show them a pile of dead babies, a video of 2 dudes humping each other before going to adopt a child, a free housing project filled with people too lazy to work, and so on and so forth.

  8. I would say let the record speak for itself.  Republicans want less government involvement in your life.  Most things the government is involved in can be done better by private enterprise and cheaper.  I would rather go to a private hospital then a VA hospital for instance. Compare the US Postal Service to UPS.  Compare the GAO to any private accounting firm. The military buys a hammer for 300.00 or a box of bolts for 3000.00 and my accountant didn't catch that..  He would be fired.   I don't think that earnings indicate what party you should be in, but more accountablity by said government.

  9. Appeal to their racism, their fear of people different from themselves whether that be g*y people or black people or Latinos.  Make them afraid of Russia and Iraq.  Make them think that tax cuts for billionaires will help them, the middle class.  Convince them that they don't need national health care or safe drinking water or air and that environmentalists are all crazy extremists.  Convince them that the country needs elderly befuddled confused leadership rather than dynamic, competent, young, energetic, idealistic leadership.  It ought to be a snap!

  10. Ask them if their employer can afford Obama's new taxes without laying them off. The answer is pretty clear.

  11. Well, if they were alive then remind them what it was like in the 1970s under Jimmy Carter. 11% unemployment (compared to the appox. 5% it is now), huge inflation rates, gas lines, and a tax rate that took 73 cents out of every dollar every American earned. That's what we're heading for again if Barack Obama is elected, and the people who can LEAST afford that are those who are struggling already.

  12. common sense.

  13. Show the the amount of money currently being withheld from their pay check and explain that it will only get worse with Democrats in charge.

  14. Lies about the Democratic agenda and candidates.  

  15. lie to us again like bush did in 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 and still another 2008

  16. You scare them and threaten what they value.

  17. well use scare tactics tell them that taxes are going to go sky high and you'll see nothing for when the both of you know that rasing taxes is the only way were going to get out debt than tell them that the'll take your guns even thou the both of you know the suprime court would never allow it the tell them that barack hussain obama is going to fly a plane into the white house with all his terrosit friends come on lies have to work they've been doing it for years like when bush was talking about fair tax

  18. By telling them that the government cannot do a better job of spending what money the have than they, themselves can, and by explaining to them that in real numbers, they will be taking home even less pay than they have now under a Dem President and a Dem Congress.  To h**l with more withholding from paychecks they need NOW, not a the end of the year in the form of an overpay refund, which the government used all those months without paying interest on it.  At least if you put your money in a bank, some interest is paid on it.

  19. I dont think you can any longer...

    Undereducated people want their "free" Stuff from the Gubmint... Democrats have been successful in leading them to believe that America is about stickin' it to the man.. All the while holding them down from achieving independence.

    How do you fight that kind of Liberal argument??  

  20. Explain to them that under Hussein everything they make will be confiscated from them in taxes.

  21. You don't, anyone that makes less than 50K is either stupid or lazy and those type of people naturally will vote Liberally

  22. Explain to them that every Democrat in the history of the USA has raised taxes on all citizens regardless of their income level. Tell them that if they vote Republican perhaps they won't lose out on jobs to less qualified people, who get hired from Affirmative Action, even though they weren't the best person for the job.; therefore, they could increase their income. I'd tell them that we have been safe for the last 8 years, and that the last Democrat who was president not only allowed Osama to plan the most catastrophic attack on US soil ever, but that he had multiple chances to kill Osama and passed on those opportunities. You could tell him how proud he would feel after he earned his healthcare and provided for his family as oppossed to sitting home on a couch and letting the other hard working American's care for him via welfare. You could tell him that he would be electing a new commander in chief who has war experience, who has foreign policy experience, who has participated in government at a national level for more then 173 days. You could tell him that he will be allowed to keep his guns and protect his family. I could go on and on, but you get the point I think.  

  23. Have them watch the Fox "News" tabloid network.

  24. The GOP is the Patriotic party of America. It is for what America stands for. We are the moral and ethical party, focused on personal responsibility. We are for low taxes and minimal government involvement in life.

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