
How would you cope alone on a desert island ?

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you can have one luxury item




  1. ill try to make it a paradise by planting and smoking all the weed on that island.  

  2. Well, I'm sure the voices in my head would keep me company.  So my sanity is safe.

    And it can't be that hard to find a fresh water source.  A shelter should be relatively easy to construct.

    The only things to worry about would be hazardous flora and fauna.

  3. Very well.  I am a born survivor.

  4. Well it depends on how much alcohol I have.

  5. Quite easily.  As long as I could get food and water and build a shelter and a fire, I would be fine.

  6. nope

  7. I wouldn't mind at all. I love to be alone and having nobody to bother me or irritate me would be sheer bliss. I'd survive by eating and drinking coconuts (and coconut milk), swimming in the ocean for exercise and probably sunbathing. Imagine looking up at those island stars at night... *shivers* Wow!

  8. The same way I cope now !i

  9. i would just releax while im there i anit afaird of nothing

  10. I would cope extremely well as long as I could take my dogs with me as a luxury item.

  11. Well I've seen Cast Away a couple of times. I just hope there's a volleyball named Wilson to talk to and I'm all set! Now how do I start a fire? lol

  12. i wudn't b able 2.maybe if ther wer coconuts and fish and stuff.

  13. Just keep wan.king everyday that would get you through anything

  14. Well i would first find shelter ar make it whatevr. Then i would find food for example cocnuts fish berries bananas all that stuff. Then i would focus on getting off maybe a massive SOS or building a raft. Wat bout you.

  15. as answered above food and shelter first , explore the island if big enough ,, but then how to amuse yourself , well apart from that , its now down are you happy with your demons, we all have them , even animals pace the cage if not engaged, I am reasonably happy with my own company but then no phone no lap top, no books or music, just your own thoughts its going to be pretty tough, eventually I will either go sane or remain nuts, I think its nuts for me.  

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