
How would you deal with a little girl , on a camping trip{details inside]?

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I went on a camping Trip and we took this little girl, it was a Christian Missionates trip, and the girl is 10 and acts like a 3 year old and would not listen.

She would refuse to eat , beucase she dint like the food, rome around and not even tell one of us were she went, and complained about everything , .

So how would you deal with this little girl, and is it okay to yell at her , becuase i did i ahd enough with her.




  1. idk wat i would do...probly kill her jk .probly treat her like she is a 3yr old. like hold her hand all the time or ask her if she needs her diper change. somewere along those lines lol!

  2. Send her home, unless you are a baby sitting service.

  3. I understand your frustration. Why is it kids these days think only about doing or eating what they "want" with no further obligation?  Let her go without food if she is going to act that way but when she goes to help herself to dessert, you can pull her aside and tell her, "Dessert goes only to people who weregrown up enough to eat their food at dinner."  

    I agree you shouldn't yell-not because she doesn't deserve it but because you're only giving her drama fuel.  Ignore her and praise the good ones and she'll fall in line trying to get attention by being good.   Assign her a responsible buddy who will keep track of her.

  4. You should have had a meeting before the camping trip with the kids and their parents so that the rules could be explained.  For example, never going anywhere without a buddy is one of the first rules that girls are taught in Girl Scouts and that rule is re-taught every single year.

    The menus either should have been planned with the help of the children going on the trip (just like we do in Girl Scouts - the kids are responsible for planning), or the menus should have been provided ahead of time.  At these meetings with the kids and their parents, it should have been discussed that these are the meal times, here are the foods we will have with us, if you have particular food allergies or dislikes, now is the time to say so.  

    Really, the bottom line is that the trip wasn't well-planned and the children who attended weren't aware of what was expected of them.  This little girl may have been grouchy and temperamental simply because that's her normal personality.  Or she may have acted that way on the trip because she was scared, or she was homesick.  

    When I've been a Girl Scout leader, any girl who caused problems on a camping trip was pulled aside.  She was told that her behavior wasn't acceptable, and we asked if there was something wrong that we could help fix.  Usually having that one-on-one time with the leader was all the girls needed.  We always tried to let them tell us why they were scared or upset.  If a girl wanted to go home and could not be consoled or just refused to behave, then her parents were called to come get her.

    In a youth group situation, it's generally not a good idea to yell at the kids.  You're only setting up further confrontations when you do that, plus you're drawing even more attention to their bad behavior.

  5. Give her the slipper.  Seriously, kids need corporal punishment.

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