
How would you deal with both & which do you think is worse & why....?

by Guest34370  |  earlier

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a sensitive, quiet, low self-esteemed , too "honest" person

a chatty, confident (maybe a little too confident), kinda "fake" person




  1. I don't think a person can be too honest.  being honest is what makes us feel better. there is n;othing to feel guilty about when you tell the truth. But i do not like fake ppl. not even chatty ones. I'd rather someone like  me for who I am, than love me for who I am not. No, I'm not into fake people.

  2. honesty is a must when dealing with me cause the only way to grow in life is by honesty. fake people l see them as little demons running around trying to cause trouble so l stay away from them.  

  3. treat them both as an individual human being, and neither is better or worse

  4. What Mabel B said... treat them both as individuals.

    I love that there are different kinds of people in this world. If there weren't, I would die of boredom.

  5. I would probably befriend the sensitive, quiet, low self-esteemed to honest person and probably stay away and ignore the the other one, I hate fake people

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