
How would you deal with confrontation at work?

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Any advice will be greatly appreciated




  1. depending on who is confronting you. if it is your boss, i would do what he/she says. if its a co-worker, tell them there is a time and place fior everything, and now is not the time nor the place. i would try to keep my mouth shut b/c i wouldnt want to get fired for cussin' it up in the office.

  2. Moan to peers about it and avoid managers - sorry not very helpful

  3. go to HR go directly to HR.

    It could mean your job if it goes badly and you have a drop in production because of unresolved conflict. I've done it myself and it actually turned out better than I thought.

    Not delaying shows how serious you are.

  4. Don't give it any importance the more you show interest  the more the person will do it.

    If it is nothing really important laugh it off ,if necessary loudly serves the person good.

  5. kick 'em in the neck, and they'll be like, "ahh my neck! why did you kick me in the neck? who kicks someone in the neck?"

    and you'll be like "me! now get back to work" then no one will mess with you again

  6. tell the guy if he has a problem personally you can meet outside the workplace and bash his head in. otherwise deal with it through the system.

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