
How would you deal with in-laws that believe in a certain money hungry, psychology hating, alien loving cult?

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who see you as the anti-christ because you are a trainee 'psych'?




  1. I guess I would ask them to introduce me to Tom Cruise and half of the idiots in Hollywood.  And then I would tell them that you got the name "Xenu" off Google, and it didn't cost you a dime.

    And then I woud give them Jim Jones flavored Kool Aid to drink, because who wants to see kooks every Christmas?

  2. let me speak to them i can put them right on a few points like when i was abducted in 1998 after leaving a paul van d**e concert i was driving home when i lost all power in my vehicle and was beamed aboard a mothership were i was subjected to 4 hours of anal probing,then forced feed a pack of lies about how i was now helping the survival of man kind .THESE ALIENS ARE NOT VERY NICE AND SEEM TO ENJOY ANAL PROBING AND HAVE A HIDDEN AGENDER.helping man kind my @rse.

  3. Naomi is that you? lol dont worry just someone i know who sounds like you.

    Visit them occassionally when the other half really needs you to. Dont be affriad to give your opinion, so what if it is different to theirs you are your own person.

    Is your other half of the same opinion as his/her parents.  

  4. Tell them if they are not too mentally controlled by religion, to read, "The God Delusion", by Dawkins. If that doesn't help with their affliction, just keep debating.

  5. When you picked your husband, they were part of the package (baggage). I thought scientologists were always trying to get rid of the alien genetic polution? Become a Christian and ask God to evenge you. They'll be history.

  6. Simple: don't deal with them.  If your spouse is normal, then that's all that matters.  And if your inlaws continue to be a problem, talk with your spouse about it, and tell him that you are very uncomfortable with the things they say, and if they continue, you refuse to be in the same room with them, will not be anywhere near them, and it will only drive a wedge between you and him.

    My brother recently got married (last feburary), and even though he and his wife are happy, my parents constantly talk about them, how now he can't do anything on his own, he needs her permission, thinking that everything he says to them he's bragging about, and basically being a textbook case of Toxic Parents.  Its disgusting.  Everytime my mother sees my brother she starts accusing him of all these things, oh how come you don't go to the family doctor anymore, etc etc.  They are having problems conceiving, and because his wife suggested he gets his sperm count measured, my mom of course had something to say to that, that she's the infertile one, etc etc.

    In laws suck to begin with, but some really give the others a REALLY bad name.

  7. politely but with an air of indifference  

  8. Old saying you can select your friends but not your in-laws. So what will be the plot to end this unhealthy relationship. A voodoo doll maybe.

  9.   Tell them that your friends with lord Xenu, and if they dont stop messing with you he'll cause their thetan level to go up through the roof!  

  10. Burn an effigy of Kirstie Alley in front of your house

  11. Tell them to eff off. you havent got any money to give them and you think tom cruise is a c**p actor.....

  12. I'd laugh in their face.

  13. i wouldnt, id keep away, FAR away

  14. don't worry, you won't have to deal with them for long.  the co$ will make them cut all ties with you soon enough for your evil 'psych' ways.

  15. Shake my head and laugh, probably.

    I'd tell them to get in line behind all the other people that don't like me for who I am.  It's a long line, and they may have to wait awhile.  Snacks will not be provided.

    Seriously, what can you do?  Just be who you are.  Don't let them turn you into an angry, bitter person.  Treat them with respect, not because they deserve it, but because you do.

  16. The same way any ninja-lawyer deals with anything. I'd serve them an injunction....right between their eyes with a Ninjatō!!

  17. don't let them near your kids, and I'd start calling them the "outlaws" not the in-laws.

  18. Remind them their cult was started by a second rate science fiction writer from the 1950's.

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