
How would you deal with someone on same shift as you that you suspect has been drinking (alcohol)?

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How would you deal with someone on same shift as you that you suspect has been drinking (alcohol)?




  1. Jeanimus is right. If it endangers other people, turn them in

  2. Mention  to your   boss that  you  can  smell drink  & say  you  are  worried about peoples  safety.  If the boss goes over & smells it then  he can deal with it. There's nothing wrong with that,  thats not being mean.

    If he had an accident  or  caused one you would feel awful  do it today.

  3. Easy - report him.

  4. Hello, well you would have to be absolutely 100% sure, if you are wrong, you could lay yourself open to all sorts.

    If someone is drunk you would have a duty to all in your care, ie i work as a nurse so would have a duty of care to the patients and other staff and also to that person.

    i would take that person aside and speak to them and I would inform them that Im sorry I suspect you have been drinking alcohol and must inform someone in authority,

    Some occuptional health units have a breathyliser to test that person. I would also document everything.

    I think also that you have to take into account why they are drinking they could have awful problems, so we have to be supportive too and help them so they are not in that position again

  5. Try talking to them, there might be a genuine reason why they drank before work, if you are in a position to remove them to a safe place where they could do no harm, consider this. Failing this, your conscience must guide you.

  6. depends on the job you do but if being drunk makes the job unsafe report them but first have a quiet word with them

  7. If the person was my subordinate I would pay close attention to their actions. They could be on a mild medication that might resemble alcohol; on the other hand if that person slurs their speech or staggers when they walk, I would take them off the work floor immediately. We would sit and talk about it to find out why and take it from there according to company policy.

  8. With tolerance and understanding.

  9. Depends if it was the night before or during shift. Also depends what value the job has. If its brain surgery then yes. If its one of those mundane brain dead dead end jobs then who gives a f**t? I was in a job once where a guy carried a flask of brandy around with him. He did the job ok.

  10. Report them! Drinking at work could cost a life & it might be yours

  11. It depends on the job and the individual involved. I would warn

    them before reporting them,unless the job was too dangerous to do even once with a drunk person. For example,if their job was to handle heavy machinery like a forklift with other people around,then I would feel obligated to report them then and there,on the spot.

  12. If being drunk is going to endanger their or other peoples health, then I would report them to the management. You have a duty to do this under health and safety regs.

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