
How would you deal with someone that offers to pay and then tells you that they will reimburse you?

by  |  earlier

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Someone volunteered to pay for an aspect of a trip for me in June and waited until August to confirm necessary arrangements. They used a third party to make the necessary plans and told me after they had the travel agent search that I had to call them and give them my credit card information and I would be reimbursed. The problem is I do not have the money for the ticket at the moment and am upset that I have to explain this to a third party that I did not think I had to deal with.

My questions are the following:

1. How do you approach someone about the inconsiderate manner in which they handled things?

2. Would you still go on the trip?

3. And if so, would you just pay for yourself and not use the travel agent that is expecting payment?




  1. Forget the pressure and bulley of the travel agent. Watch out for your friend b4 you get the game popped on you. So far you are catching the  corn.

  2. Wouldn't pay, wouldn't go, wouldn't be dealing with this person any more

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