
How would you deal with the food shortage problems globally?

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How would you deal with the food shortage problems globally?




  1. I second SILKE's answer.

    Every year hundreds of thousands of pounds of grain are sunk on old retired battle ships in the pacific ocean. Its the surplus grain bought by uncle sam to protect American farmers. Guess who pays for that: US TAXPAYERS. I say we stop this right now and let the world market find the least cost producers.

  2. There really is no global shortage of food, if world food was distributed equally we would all have plenty to eat and drink!

  3. I would set up satellite committees in the countries where folks are starving made up of American Red Cross members or missionaries and let them handout food to the hungry.  The governments in those countries would have to peacefully permit the committees to do their duty.  I would set up food banks with these committees of canned goods, flour, meal, dry milk, etc. that is donated from prosperous countries.  These committees would have the local government's provided housing or large tents but they would be armed and committee members would sleep on rotating shifts so the nonsleeping shift could provide protection at all times.  How's that?

  4. i do understand that business is business etc, but seriously....the world should work together on basics like water, food and medicine..... stop being so greedy and selfish (mugabe)

    but thats in a perfect world, and we aint that !

  5. Remove all duties and protectionism for food and farmers in Europe and the West might help.

  6. Pour as much money as possible in to encouraging new farming techniques in the third world to increase yields.

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