
How would you deal with this family situation?

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My sister and I had a pretty good relationship, she had a baby a little over a month ago, and I had been coming over once or twice a week to help out.

Well I am pregnant (15 weeks 5 days) and I had a doctors appointment today, they wouldn't accept my secondary form of insurance, and it upset me, so I texted her to express my frustration with the situation.

Her and her husband then proceeded to attack us (my husband and I) personally, telling us that we should just shut up because we get everything for free, and that we live on welfare and don't work for anything (which is a complete lie.. we have no form of welfare at all and both of us work full time). They then decided to tell us that our first mistake was dropping out of college and getting married, and the second mistake was having a baby. Then they said that we would never be able to provide for our family and that other people's tax dollars would always be providing for us because we wont ever be good enough to do things on our own.

I am so beyond angry, and have been all day, I don't even know what to do or how to handle this situation. What would you do?




  1. It sounds like you hit a nerve with her and her husband.  Did they have any insurance troubles or concerns with their baby?  It sounds like they might have and then your frustration made them feel like they could vent some of theirs.  Unfortunately it doesn't help to vent it at you.  

    Given the info you have that you usually have a good relationship you might call and ask where the heck did all that come from?  

  2. mayby shes stressed with the baby, making excuses so she can let out her anger, as for what to do, leave her alone for a while - dont go over and help, next is do the best you possibly can so that you can provide for your family and prove her wrong

    hope this helps, ask if more help is needed


  3. Wow- so, I guess they won't be needing your help anymore then, huh? If they happen to ask for help, tell them you can't.

  4. Ok you texted your sister, but her AND her husband texted you back attacking you? Or sister did and you're lumping him in with her?

    Either way, ignore her. She's probably stressed because of the new baby and the bills she has. Say nothing else to her, and then if she speaks to you again.. remind her that she too, is married just like you, and she too, has a baby, just like you're doing. That there is no difference, that you both are young families just starting out. If she is having money worries, heck, give her some pointers on how to get everything free when you both are working.

    Don't let it stress you out though, your unborn baby doesn't need its mommy to be worrying over someone else's ignorance.  

  5. Why would you text your sister out of the blue and yell at her?

  6. I don't think I understand the situation. There are too many inconsistencies. For example, if you are so close to your sister with such a good relationship, her response should have been expected. And certainly she knew you were working full time and not on welfare if she was close to you. Based on your description, have you not told us something?

  7. i would tell them to shut there fat lazy mouth

  8. I would say s***w you (to your sister obviously)... and not speak to her for a long while. MAYBE once you take some time away from her.. try to ask where the heck all that came from when it's not your situation at all

    That's just low, above everything calling your child a mistake.

    Both your sister and her husband obviously aren't worth your time.

    Good luck! and be proud of getting married,starting life, and providing for your family!

  9. If you are not on welfare then why would she say you are?

    Is there something missing to this story?

  10. well first off is she just came out of the blue with this what in the world is wrong with her maybe post partum depression  

  11. Sounds like she is venting frustration that has been nottling up for a long time about you. i would tell her the real situation that is going on with you and your husband. Confront her about her feelings about, ask why she said what she did because it really hurt your feelings

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