
How would you deal with this issue? ?

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During the holidays I always give out Cards or give gifts to my friends. I have a problem. One of my friends is part of a religious group that doesn't believe in having holiday parties or exchanging gifts for holidays. How can I make her feel loved and included while still respecting her religion?




  1. Find a charity that would be acceptable to them (food bank, World Relief Fund, Habitat for Humanity... SO many to choose from!), and make a contribution in the name(s) of your friend.  It doesn't need to be a large contribution, but roughly equivalent to what you would be spending on a gift anyway.  The charity will ask you for the "giftee's" name/address and will send them a letter of thanks directly from them... however...

    Then YOU write them a note, if you think they would be further offended by a Christmas-ie decorated note, choose plain paper, or your "regularly" decorated stationery (The Hallmark and card shops have a nice variety to choose from!), and write her this note:

    Dear Mary:

    I value our friendship very much, and wish to celebrate the joy and happiness of Christmastime with you.  I respect your values of not exchanging gifts, but have been so overwhelmed by the holiday spirit of love and sharing, I chose to donate a gift to CHARITY NAME in your name.  I know that they will be able to use the gift to share Christ's love to others less fortunate than we are!  I am so thankful to our Lord for our friendship over the years, and pray that He may continue to share His blessings on you and your family throughout the coming year.

    Your dear friend... Janice

    Have a polite day.

  2. A wonderful idea is to find out what one of her favorite charities is and then donate to it and then simply give her a card stating that you donated to the charity in her name.  

  3. You could ask her about it, and go with whatever she wants to do.  

    If that'll be awkward, you could take her shopping or somewhere like a normal thing, and that way it doesn't violate her beliefs.

  4. You just give em the gift and dont think any one will dislike the gift from some one.

  5. Just give her the gift or card. It is your way of letting her know how much you appreciate her friendship. I'm sure she will accept it. If she is your friend, she will take it out of respect for your religion.

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