
How would you define Charlemagne? I could research him all day, but I wouldn't be able to sum him up in a def.

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How would you define Charlemagne? I could research him all day, but I wouldn't be able to sum him up in a def.




  1. Charlemagne to the French, and Karl der Grosse to the Germans, the Holy Roman Emperor "Christianized" Europe at the point of the sword, removing the Lombards of Italy from power, waging war on the Saracens in Spain, driving back the Slavs, conquering Bavaria and Saxony, and ushering in the Carolingian Renaissance--not to mentioning fathering most of the Europeans alive today!

  2. By biggest grievance against him was his near genocidal campaign against the Saxons in the name of Christ, the so-called "Prince of Peace."  So, he's pretty much up there with Hitler, by my account.  He pretty much used his agenda -- the saving of souls -- to satisfy his bloodlust.  I think the term socio-path is not out of place here.

  3. Well... I know who he is, does that count? lol

  4. King of the Franks and creator of France who forcefully converted pagan peoples, and furthered the aims of the Church.

  5. who is charlemagne? from wendy williams

  6. Evil Incarnate that deserves to be blood eagled.

  7. In a sentence?

    A warrior-turned-leader of the Franks, ancestors of the French, who reformed the way that a country could and should run in Western Europe.

  8. Karl der Grosse or Charlemagne was the King of the Franks, a Germanic tribe that occupied the lands from nowadays France to Germany. He had the talent to conquer and rule these lands. He was crowned Emperor (Kaiser) of the Holy Roman Empire in 800.

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