
How would you define Sophistication in this day and age?

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How would you define Sophistication in this day and age?




  1. Having boogers dangle out of your nose.

  2. Well mannered and dressed accordingly---conservative in good taste, but hopefully not judgmental and "hoighty toighty" with a condescending attitude.

  3. First, good manners.

    After that, kindness and consideration of others

    Being independent and in control of your finances

    Well read and informed on world and local events

    not hitting on your friends love interest

    and keeping ones body functions private

  4. Home girl enough said, You rock!

  5. Well, we don't see this often but:

    Sophistication equals

    1. Good manners

    2. Polite language

    3. Classy attitude

    4. Intelligent

  6. Standards have dropped a bit in recent decades, but I'd say that you're a man with some degree of sophistication if:

    You wear a suit for something other than funerals and court appearances

    You're main topic of conversation is something other than s*x, football or reality TV

    When introduced to a lady, you have a conversation with her face rather than her t*ts

    You've been to a museum or art gallery when it wasn't raining outside

    You understand the concept of drinking alcohol without the aim of getting totally bladdered in the shortest possible time

    You don't use the word 'f**k' as part of your normal conversation

    You don't feel the need to drive a car which has a stereo that's more powerful than the engine.

  7. nonexistent

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