
How would you define a teacher's pet?

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I think of myself as a teachers pet, and I, quite honestly, see nothing to be ashamed about it. I'm a good student and I help my teachers after school, we talk alot and I can pretty much go anywhere in the school without being questioned. All of my teachers trust me--for example, my foreign language teacher told me to go to the Faculty Lounge, go into her purse and get her something. Another teacher told me to answer her phone each time she's busy, and doesn't even consider any ther student. This same one told me that she "Trusts me implicently."

Would you consider me a teacher's pet?




  1. a suck up

  2. Yeah, you sound like a teacher's pet.  Although the term has negative connotations, I don't think there is anything wrong with it either.  Well, except your classmates may give you a hard time, it's a time honored tradition to make fun of the teacher's favorite.  But to be trusted, have the run of the school, and to be trustworthy enough to have special privileges means that you are smart, reliable and doing well in school.

  3. I've been on both ends of the spectrum here.  Both as a teacher's pet and as the teacher.  At first, having students that "suck-up" was very annoying.  But now, I am happy to put them to work and trust them to do other jobs around the school.

  4. A teachers pet is particularly someone who in some ways can be a suck up. They tend to help the teacher at any time or run errands around the school. They also offer help as much as they can

  5. yes you definitely are. some people consider me one cause i get good grades but i'd rather say I'm not cause its much more fun to fool around half the time and then you'll have some interesting stories to look back on =D

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