
How would you define being in love?

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I'm in love with my boyfriend but I just have my own personal issues. These issues are my stink attitude, and me not being affectionate. I worked on them though because I knew he didn't deserve it but I still have a little way to go. I would do anything for him, I care about him very much and I feel his pain. Not literally but I do feel hurt when he's hurting. How do you define your being in love?




  1. being in love is when you put someone elses needs before your own.

    if you really love him, show it. boys need that positive reinforcement just as much as girls. being in love is the best thing in the world, dont be afraid to act like it.

  2. That is a tough question to answer because people are so complex.  My personal definition of love is from many years trial & error.  Unfortunately, you can love each other but that doesn't mean you are compatible with each other.  In the long run, it won't work.  Love means you can be yourself and you accept the other person for who he is and be happy.  Love also means you are willing to do things for that other person without question.  Including being a better person for him & it turns out you are better for yourself.

    When 2 people see eye to eye on most things in life, true magic happens.

  3. You're rather in the wrong category, and likely too young to make any commitment.  Your "stink"???? attitude?   And that means what?

    For sure you're too young, both emotionally, and actually to marry, so I'll send these 4 rules for a great life to you... with love from my mom

    1.  The most important decision you will ever make is who you marry.  Choose with your head as well as your heart.

    2.  Have no children until your bond is strong, and have no more than you yourself can support.  You may just have to

    3.  At any and all costs finish your education to qualify for those high paying jobs.  It is likely that you will work sometime during your marriage, probably for decades…. Get paid for it. And remember, your kids and your education are forever…. Husbands, lovers and promises are not!!

    4.  Have a stash of cash no one knows about even if you are sure you will never need it.  You absolutely will, and the more the better.

    I never made the mistakes lots of my friends made by plopping out babies to try to bond a guy.  And I never was financially dependent upon some jerk.  And as a result, hon, I have a lovely life,  with a lovely man.  The great guys are in college.  You won't meet one working at McDonald's as a single mom and supporting a kid you had in a moment of passion.

    And if your attitude is less than you wish it were?  Get an hour of counseling to see why you're acting like a witch, if "stink" attitude is what you mean..  MIght be the best buckos you ever spent.   About the cost of a fancy pair of jeans.

  4. I grown to think of love as an action instead of a feeling, I guess. It's taking care of the other person's emotional and physical needs, and that makes you feel good in return. I think it's important when you love someone to build them up and make them feel good about themselves. I'm not talking about grand gestures, but little comments or actions can go a long way. Also, you need to be getting this love in return so that you can keep giving it to them. It's a cycle, love is, between two people.

  5. I know that I'm in love with my husband because he is the only man that I want to spend my time with...physically and sexually. I know that while I could survive without him, I just don't want to. I know that I'm in love with him because I want to work through our rough times and find that light at the end of the tunnel. If I didn't love him, then I wouldn't care about trying to make it work...I'd trow in the towel when the going got tough. I'm certain about my love for my husband because all I want is for him to be happy. When he's mad, I'm mad. When he's sad, I hurt, too...I hurt for him because I want him to be happy. And, I know that I'm in love with him because I support him through everything. Even when it's not a relationship's his problem or some situation that he's caused, but affects the both of us...I don't want to walk away from the stress. I just want to have his back and let him know that I'm there for him through whatever he may need me.

    Don't get me wrong...our marriage is neither perfect nor easy, but for all these reasons (and more) I know that I love this man and I am exactly where I need to be.  

  6. I think if you love someone you take them the way they are.You would sacrifice for them,support them and always treat them as they deserve to be treated.

    If your boyfriend really loves you for you, he knows about your bad attitude and loves you anyway,respects that being affectionate is just not the kind of person you are.If you love him in return, you will try not to treat him in a way that is disrespectful uncompassionate and you will try to give him a little affection if that is what he needs and likes.Some men actually like a girl with a little attitude!Just dont take advantage of that because being around someone who is bitchy all the time gets old quickly.

    I am a very fiesty woman who can be very quick to snap at people sometimes.For awhile I wondered how my fiance could love me anyway.He does because he loves everything about me.If I was sugary sweet, it wouldnt be who I am.He also doesnt let what I look like,act like or say change the way he loves me.I would do anything for him and he for me.We protect and honor each other.We trust and are honest with each other even when the truth is ugly.Thats true love.

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