
How would you define the idea of communal wisdom?

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My friend and I have been throwing the idea of communal wisdom around for a couple weeks now. We both have different views on what it means, but agree that it involves "community+conversation". Please chime in with your thoughts, because what's more communal than that? Thanks for taking the time.




  1. communal wisdom is going to depend on how you define the word communal. If you make it community wisdom or if you're referring to communication/conversation.  

    I think communal wisdom is the knowledge shared between members of a group or "community" It can be taught and communicated between people, but it doesn't necessarily have to be. It might be a wisdom that needs no explanation. Something that is just assumed by everyone and is understood. The problem with this though, if you have really no basis or solid structure of the said communal wisdom is that it will greatly change over time. People will start to consider different ways of interpreting it and thus it will change as people see fit.

    You could also take the phrase commual wisdom as a sort of practice where a community gets together on a regular basis and shares their knowledge with each other. they might tell what they know about a specific place/skill or something new that they just learned. This could be communal wisdom  as well.

  2. Communal wisdom means knowing about life and how it works by comunication. I try to be positive in life.

    Experience of life is wisdom

  3. communal wisdom is just that..its where everyone comes to one conclusion,oneness in the whole..where you share in what you know and don't one God,one belief,one society as a whole.while maintaining individual opinions,expressions,and understanding and acceptance of different cultures,different morals,different ways of doing and seeing you and you're friend debating on this question to come to a conclusion...( like a bank of wisdom where everyone deposites and withdraws from...)

  4. prior to reading the further development of the question, I first thought " common sense " in terms of a group of people knowing from their up bringing what is right and wrong.

    I would propose from your further write up that it involves a community that knows what is right to do (for the community I suppose)  and has the courage to carry out what is right.

    I would also propose that it may include a type of top ten list of things that the leaders of the community feel that everyone should know and follow - - - perhaps like the unwritten rules within societal units.

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