
How would you define upper, middle and working class and which do you consider yourself to be?

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How would you define upper, middle and working class and which do you consider yourself to be?




  1. Working and proud of it

  2. Upper - would be land owners, CEOs

    Middle - Doctors, lawyers, acccountants

    Working - Plumber, shopworker, factoryworker.

    I don't believe in this system anymore. I think we are now classless.

  3. I define it in terms of how far you plan ahead.

    * Working class people plan ahead to next payday, be it weekly or monthly. Beyond this time horizon, life "just happens".

    * Middle class people plan ahead on a scale of perhaps one to ten years.

    * Upper class people (monarchy, nobility, landed gentry) plan ahead in terms of generations. They plant trees they'll never see grow to maturity. They set up long term projects. They look for a return to their children and grandchildren, not to themselves, just as they inherited from earlier generations.

    This is not the normal definition, but for me it works. I regard myself as upper middle class, i.e. I plan ahead about ten years or so.

  4. I agree with both Harry and Ginny. I am working class but i have been desperatly trying to get out of it. Unfortunately, theres not much help for someone like me who works hard and already has a L3 qualification.

  5. I'm sufficiently well educated and financially secure that I don't have to worry about that kind of nonsense.  If you want to succeed in this world, be prepared to get your hands dirty and don't rely on someone else doing the work for you - but don't assume that you're any better or any worse than anybody else.

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