
How would you describe Danish Society & Culture?

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How would you describe Danish Society & Culture?




  1. I like danishes. Frig they're good. Cherry danishes are my personal favourite.

  2. Danes are pretty patriotic (Though who isn't proud of stuff from they're own countries). The country is small and it never seems like people have a lot of knowledge about the country. When I speak my mother tongue in other countries I am often asked whether I'm german or swedish. And a lot seem to have trouble placing the country on a map. I think that is why many danes LOVE to hear about danish international success like Bang&Olufsen's and so fourth. In politics we have several parties, a prime minister but we still have a monarchy with a current queen. Danes can seem more occupied with the life of the Royalties than politics, though  I don't think that's 100% true. I seem like the older people are, the more the royal family matter. Right now we have a lot of debates about the elderly in homes. The recourse for them and the people educated to look after them seems slim and we've just been through a pretty long strike on many areas as well as child-care facility and hospitals. Many believe we've reached a breaking point and we need to start being careful about spending.

    Denmark like other countries used to have the majority of the population living outside the cities, but the cities grow and more people move. We don't have any big rivers or mountains but the nature is still very important to the dane. We have a lot of wind power. My folks for ex. own a couple of shares in some windmills, and other people even have their own wind mill in the backyard. Our first national park just opened this summer. With all the coastline we've got, water, beaches and the climate is very important.

    In my opinion Denmark is a hard country to live in as an immigrant, especially if you're from the middle east. First of all we have a very strict foreign policy, and that actually applies to all non-EU citizens. Unfortunately. At the same time the danes can seem a bit narrow minded when it comes to accepting new cultures. Many don't quite want to acknowledge that we're heading for a globalized world, and would rather want to hold on to old values. That is why we still have our own currency and not the EURO. (I have to say I like our money) I often get the feeling that danes are not very polite. For ex. in traffic and on the streets people mostly think of themselves and getting first in line. This my sisters, who live in USA, can confirm. Going to Denmark you don't get offered any help from strangers if you have trouble. This is of course in general, but things like standing back, letting others go first and holding the door is not the danish way. The younger people are, the more impolite they seem to become. The danish youth has the record in drinking alcohol at a young age. Many smoke. We buy alcohol in stores legally from the age of 16, drive and vote at 18. Alcohol is very integrated - We love beer and red wine and it can be bought anywhere. The term liquor store is not something we have. I don't know if Australia has that concept?!?

    Hmm, well - I really have run out more answers though I'm sure there's plenty more. I've really tried to stay objective, hope you can use any of this. And no, dope's not legal - That would have to be Amsterdam in the Netherlands,, ;o)

    Sorry my written english is not the best ;o)

  3. Don't they have legal hookers and hashish?

    Not bad....not bad at all......

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