
How would you describe NEON COLORS to a blind person?

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How would you describe NEON COLORS to a blind person?




  1. like the glow of the sun or fire except in colors

  2. I would explain wave lengths and then tell them that neon is direct light with a particular wavelength instead of reflected light.

    I would use echos of a instrument vs sitting directly in front of it as an analogy.

    Thought of another way also.

    Tell them it is like listening to a English speaking person talking in a foreign language vs a person speaking that language because it is their native tongue.

  3. Well because most blind people are not completely blind just tell them to look themselves. If they have not been blind all their life tell them its like a colour is bright and on fire. If they have been completely blind all their life then don't bother.

  4. How would you explain color in genral to a blind person? I guess you couldn't...

    They would have to use another sense to "see" somethig and all you can use to "see" ANY color neon or not is sight, and sadle blind people don't ahve sight hehe.

    My question is how do you explain colors to a COLOR blind person? good question xD

  5. I would not even try. Not only would it be EXTREMELY HARD but it would also be "cruel" for he could never see it himself. Like describing heaven to someone who will never see it.

  6. Neon colors are very bright. They stand out.

  7. Who cares? They won't be able to see them anyway.





  8. Neon color to the eyes is like a high pitch siren to the ears -- loud and clear.

  9. how wuld u describe any colors to a blind person

    if theve never seen the color green

    its impossible for them to convieve it correctly

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