
How would you describe Obama?

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The O-man, Barack Hussein Obama, is an

eloquently tailored empty suit. No resume, no accomplishments, no

experience, no original ideas, no understanding of how the economy works,

no understanding of how the world works, nothing but abstract

empty rhetoric devoid of real substance.

He has no real identity. He is half-white, which he rejects. The rest of him is mostly Arab, which he

hides but is disclosed by his non-African Arabic surname and his Arabic

first and middle names as a way to triply proclaim his Arabic parentage

to people in Kenya . Only a small part of him is African Black from his

Luo grandmother, which he pretends he is exclusively.

What he isn't, not a genetic drop of, is 'African-American,' the descendant of enslaved Africans brought to

America chained in slave ships. He hasn't a single ancestor who was a slave. Instead, his Arab ancestors were slave owners. Slave-trading was the main Arab business in East Africa for centuries until the British

ended it.

Let that sink in: Obama is not the descendant of slaves, he is the desc endant of slave owners. Thus he

makes the perfect Liberal Messiah.




  1. The first word that comes to mind is Marxist..

  2. McCain's Messiah...

    I kinda knew that John was not a Christian...

    The guy (Obama) is a Senator that is on his way to becoming President, a guy that runs on values, level headed policies, a heart that listens to the average American person...

    Not, just a guy that trows up smears...

  3. A ton of people are descendants of slave owners. Why does that matter at all? It's not like we're responsible for that. Moron.

  4. Mr. President

  5. Obama is NOT McCain, so, lesser of two evils at the very least and with Biden as his co-pilot, I'll take him.

  6. i think you just answered your opinion of the question yourself


    I tihnk he will be the best president there ever was in the history of presidents.

  7. Over rated

  8. a dipshit

  9. wolf in sheep's clothing...

    communist... (but you can't include him in being equal)

    confused man (is he saying he's black, white, or other?)


  10. Someone who's had enough of wars and wants to give peace a chance

  11. hollywood

  12. He is beyond description.  Muhammed Ali said that he was the greatest, but maybe the torch has been passed.  Teddy gave the Kennedy mantle to the Obamas so why not.

  13. Ok, down me all you want.  Obama is the Perfect Liberal Messiah!  We need liberal thinking now. That's good!  Obama is a motivater!  God knows, that's what we Americans NEED!   That's good!   Obama obvioulsly has a  checkerd past.  I view a checkered past as more powerful than any military and / or  educational background.  History supports me: pivitol leaders in so many couintries' histories had a checkered past.  I see a man who who has unconditional love.   I see he's got the world's support.  I see he's got a lot of friends in high places; people who really seem to know how improtant it is to love as many people as you can.  I don't see someone who is gonna take an order that violates his morality too much.   I see a man who likes to be controlled, but one who keeps his eyes wide open, lest he lose touch with what that line is.  Because he knows that he MUSTl stand pat and NOT be controled, if it goes against his hard earned GOOD sense of morality, and if a rejected controler violated this into a psycological red zone, he would care little about getting fired.  He's only human, so would be hurt that his mission in life was not to change our sorry *** direction from the presidency.  But he wouldn't kill himself, he'd run again in '12, if we were still enough of a country.     OPEN YOR EYES!                  

    You know what?  Even if every single aspersion you cast were 100% justifiable in the heart and souls of  the wisest and most intelligent people on Earth, I would still chose Obama.  And I have to think most of them would choose Obama as well.  Give abstract a chance to become concreate.    

    Obama puts out a thin ray of hope.  And hope against hope, I make a leap of faith that Obama might actually be motivated to help us get started on redeaming ourselves and geting us back on our feet.  d**n!  It HURTS to be American!  We were kind of great once, and I think we need to be great once more, before countries become a thing of the past.  

    I wanna die knowing that America is getting once last run towards greatness ....   For God's sake, Obama's not Hitler.  I think we could agree there.  

    Do you really find any hope in McCain?  I don't think we can "win" WW3, and I would NOT want to.  McCain thinks just the opposite.    

    Please consider my view.

  14. The Manchurian candidate, celebrity, inexperienced, mesmerizer, sheep herder, scariest candidate ever.

  15. He's pretty tall right?

  16. Obama is an pea brained communist who cannot speak an intelligent word without the Politburo handlers telling him what to say and do.

    There is a lawsuit going thru  the court looking at evidence that Obama is an American citizen. He talks about change, but he never says what he is going to do! If Obama becomes president of the United States of America,

    he will be our first communist dictator of the USA.

  17. Lol...

    I dont know what I would call him...

    But I just don't trust him...

    Not sure why.... Not sure how.... I just know I don't



  18. Narcissistic. Empty. Insecure. Controllable.  

  19. Self-made man.

    Unlike shrub or McSame.

  20. He is a great man much better then McCain who really has no understanding of the economy...

    If Obama loses this election...

    it's gonna be 4 more years of h**l with bush jr... john McCain...

  21. A closet homosexual , corrupt, racist, grandstanding idiot, ablack Jim Jones

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