
How would you describe a "wobbly kneed" Christian? ?

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I would say that they want the aura of a Christian without any of the sacrifice or hard work.

Also, making fun of the bible to get atheists on their side is another trait.

Basically, I just think of this group as "atheist lite".




  1. Slightly less deluded than "fire and brimstone" Christians. Though deluded none the less.

  2. You should just be concerned that YOU are doing the right thing, and don't worry so much about how others are 'falling short'.

  3. Not all Christians are PERFECT you know....

  4. "Basically, I just think of this group as "atheist lite"."

    So they are mildy intelligent or what?  

  5. I'd rather hear from a wobbly kneed one than a ball breaking one..

  6. I would describe a "wobbly-kneed" Christian as one who is lukewarm.  If a person is indeed a new creation in Christ, they will no longer want to do those things or speak words that are pleasing to the "crowd", but what is pleasing to Christ. Serving the Lord is not a one-time affair, so choosing to serve Him must be our continual purpose. Each day we must resist the temptation to serve ourselves or any other false god set before us and commit ourselves afresh to Him who loved us and gave Himself for us.  God bless you!!!

  7. Lacking in substance, wishy, washy, they do not know the Word &

    just want the easy life . Their song is "I'll fly away"

  8. Wow, it's all about condemnation, isn't it.

    If you are as you say you are, aren't you supposed to love your fellow christians and help them, not point fingers and name call.

    That is puerile and pointless and shows you for what you are.  

  9. If they were in fact 'wobbly kneed' I might describe them as having wobbly knees but pointing out people's physical deformities is considered rude.

    But , humoring you for a moment, by your thinking the only people who are Christians are those who actually follow the Bible literally and this leaves you with about 20 or 30 Christians world wide. It's hard to follow a book that tells you to 'kill' and then tells you to 'not kill'. You pretty much have to be A)Crazy and B) a bible scholar.

  10.    You  make  fun all  you want  but  I  thank  God  I  am weak

      enough  to fall on my knee,s and call out to God,,but  strong

    enough  to have  the faith  to get it done.

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