
How would you describe an "emotional scar" and how can it be treated by use of hypno therapy?

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why and how so?

thanks for your answers!




  1. As a experienced psychology consultant, in all probability hypnotherapy is likely to make the situation worse, by bringing up the past and mixing it with the present, and the so called therapeutic sitiuation.  I would describe what you call "an emotional scar" as a learning experience in the development of who you are (in personality), enabling you to use it to your advantage and move on. Otherwise you have bound yourself by negative language, and fallen at the first hurdle.  Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord, and saviour, He is the only one who can really help humanity.  

  2. it is the after effect of an emotional trauma. It is almost healed but there are still painful memories of the past which would be relieved and put into context of the present by hypnotherapy or psychotherapy

  3. An emotional scar would be described as emotional trauma or psycho-trauma which is any event occurring in someones life which "scars" their emotional functions. Things like molestation, abuse, rape, seeing someone die, etc all can potentially cause emotional trauma, which if left unaddressed can cause mental disorders further down the line.

    The idea of hypnotherapy would be to bypass the individuals walls that surround these traumatic events. The mind, as a knee-jerk reaction will try to isolate these traumatic events from the victim to protect their emotional well-being. The therapist would have a better idea of how to proceed after hearing the information given under hypnotherapy.

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