
How would you describe each sign?

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Put your sign and whatever else you think is important as well.

I R LEO. Sorry if my descriptions are really boring

Aries - I don't really know any, but they seem decently fun to be around

Taurus - Always surprises me lol

Gemini - I love them to death, they make me do the weirdest laugh, two of my best friends are Gemini and everytime I'm with them I can't help but to burst out cracking up. They can really get on my nerves sometimes, but overall I can't help but to be with them.

Cancer - Nice and loving

La-Lee-Loo-Laa-Leo - I don't really know to be honest lol, I would analyze myself if I wasn't so ambivalent and I barely consider myself a Leo lol. And I don't think I know any other Leos.

Virgo - The ones I know can kind of annoy me, but I guess they're not too shabby.

Libra - Never stops amazing me.

Scorpio - I don't actually know any Scorpios, but from what I've read about them, I like them so far :):):) (I'm Scorpio rising too lol, but I've always been interested in what they've been interested in before I found out about the risings)

Sagittarius - I can get along with them if I wanted, but my brother's a

Sagittarius and I refuse to cooperate with him on anything

Capricorn - I met one that liked me and was pretty clingy, always mentioned what was wrong with her, if we had a nice convo she'd bring up how miserable her life was. A real downer. But besides that, I think I could get along with them.

Aquarius - No personal experience and I haven't found much on them.

Pisces - My dad's a Pisces and he's a really reliable person.




  1. u got  most of them right!

    im a gemini & that's sooo true!

    i can tell u bout aqauris- there really nice ppl to hang aroung with they tend to amazae me

  2. Aries: I like Aries'.  I find them fun, straight-forward and interesting.  Yes, their "self-confidence" can border on conceit, but I still like them.

    Taurus: I don't know many of them, and the one that I know is obtuse and stubborn.

    Gemini: Eww...I can't trust them.  We all lie, but when you start believing your own lies (like they do), you're just insane.

    Cancer: I don't really care for Cancers (they're my opposite).  They're too whiny, too clingy, and they like to play the victim.

    Leo: Prima donnas.  They'd gargle acid if it meant getting some applause.

    Virgo: They're cool, but they talk a lot and they're very critical.

    Libra: I don't know many, but, contrary to popular astrology, the ones that I've met were really smart.

    Scorpio: I love the men, can't trust the females. You never know if they're cool with you or not.

    Sagittarius: They're cool to hang out with, but you cannot depend on them for anything.  They're not into emotions or issues, so don't bother confiding in them.

    Capricorn: They're cool people but you have to respect them and their space.  Don't be all up on them all the time, and for God's sake, don't tell their business (they won't tell yours).

    Aquarius: I like them. I don't see them as the detached aliens that people make them out to be.  I think they're smart and witty.

    Pisces; I can be friends with a Pisces female, but I hate the males.  They're childish, irritating, and gross.

  3. Aquarius: Quirky but endearing.

    Pisces:Too soft, too hard, too mushy...A Goldilocks tale of extremes! But the most sensitive and loving around.

    Aries: Adventurous and flirtatious. The Rico Suavés of the zodiac. But somewhat selfish.

    Taurus: Too stubborn and strong-willed to listen to reason, but loyal beyond belief.

    Gemini: The best conversationalists...incredibly open minded and fun to be around...and they can FLIRT!

    Cancer: Ohhh, those Cancers. Watch out for their 10 million mood swings. But they give the best hugs, and are great when you need to feel protected. Sometimes, though, protection leads to smothering.

    Leo: "All the world's a stage" and they're the stars. Somewhat selfish.

    Virgo: Obsessive-compulsive and somewhat placid on the surface...but always interesting, and incredibly creative.

    Libra: The MOST original of the zodiac. Are the trendsetters, constantly trying new things, new people, new places. Friendly, but not  always sincere.

    Scorpio: Holy c**p, the sting! They are fiercely loyal, but watch out for their scary moods. No one can hurt you quicker or more severely than a Scorpio.

    Sagittarius: Open-minded, free-spirited, passionate. Love their hugs but not their hearts. Their hearts are too wild.

    Capricorn: Bland, but reliable and stable. Loves order. Boring, but kind and good.  

  4. Aries - Push my buttons lol!

    Taurus - somewhat attract to them.

    Gemini - not to keen on them like my dad :(

    Cancer - so calm and sweet!

    leo - i've had bad experiences with them!

    virgo - love them, i have a bunch of friends who are them!

    libra - cool sign

    scorpio - i am one but sometimes i find them frustrating!

    sagittarius - i've had problems in the past but i'm okay with most now.

    capricorn - rather good company!

    aquarius - still not sure of them...

    pisces - my mom is one so i love it!

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