
How would you describe fermentation?

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How would you describe fermentation?




  1. The breakdown of organic substances by organisms to release energy in the absence of oxygen. It is especially applied to the anaerobic breakdown of carbohydrates by yeasts to produce alcohol and carbon dioxide, and the bacterial breakdown of milk sugar to give lactic acid (as in the production of cheese and yoghurt).

  2. The fermentation is the process for which certain organisms do the cellular breathing with the absence of oxygen. Which it the same to say that is an anaerobic breathing (is the synonymous thing of saying fermentation). There are 6 types of fermentation. We can emphasize the most common that are the lactic one (that one where the bacterium lactobacilus present in the milk forms the lactic acid) and the other is the alcoholic  where the yeast forms(trains) the ethanol, this I finalize it is considered to be a waste.

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